
“I simply object to the notion that these large franchises become unwieldy when there are too many stories. No one actually cares.”

Completely agree. I can definitely see an article that claims that something like the MCU (just as an example) is being stifled because the threads have all gone off in so many directions that trying to make everything consistent with everything else is too limiting. I don’t think that’s true about the MCU just yet,

Your examples point to what I think is the odd thing about this entire essay- there’s no reason to think it’s actually true. What is this argument based on? James just asserted his premise as true without anything to substantiate it. Plenty of non-canon things are beloved on their own terms without anyone complaining.

What is this argument based on? You’re just asserting your premise as true without anything to substantiate it. Plenty of non-canon things are beloved on their own terms without anyone complaining. Take Logan for example- a movie with widespread critical and fan acclaim that explicitly doesn’t tie into the broader MCU

It’s not Dickens (nor anywhere close to my favorite franchise), but like I said, pretending like it’s just a Saturday Morning Cartoon series for children is silly. There’s more going on then just laser swords and goofy ships, but folks like you like to pretend like that’s all it really has ever been about in order to

I love how reductive people can get when describing things that they’re upset other people aren’t enjoying as much. You might as well respond to criticism of Godfather 3 by saying “I’m glad someone remembered that Godfather is supposed to be about a bunch of family members bickering back and forth between spaghetti

This gets to what was one of the most disappointing things about ROS- there’s literally NOTHING in it that justifies rewatching it ever. Sure, Episode I was hot garbage from a script and acting standpoint. But you had the amazing lightsaber duel at the end, or (to a lesser extent in my mind) the podracing sequence. If

100%. Gerard Butler’s been making massively entertaining bad movies for his whole career. This looks like it’ll be right up my alley. Can’t wait!

Glad to see another HDTGM fan on here ;)

That comment implies he’s been making bad decisions...

Who is claiming they’re the cause? The article pointed out Netflix and Youtube already took action before gaming services did. Nobody is saying that gamers are the problem, merely that there IS a problem and so participants in the gaming industry are taking reasonable measures to do their part.

Agreed. I’m playing on a PS4, and I find switching between the super shotgun and either the heavy cannon or plasma rifle works best. The cannon or the plasma rifle are weak enough that if you hit the fodder with just a few shots they’ll stagger for health pickups, but it’s definitely a pain in the butt. 

100%. Some of the platform can be kind of fun, but I getting so friggin’ frustrated some times. Especially when you’ve just torn through a host of hellspawn, you’re amped up, having a great time, and then realize you have to slow everything down to figure out precise “jump, double jump, dash, dash” technique you have

What weapons? The game says “Super Weapons” don’t do anything to him, but then the SUPER Shotgun is the best weapon to use against him. Which ones don’t do squat?

Elysium was absolutely atrocious. It was one of those movies that felt like the creators decided their idea was so brilliant that they just had to film it RIGHT NOW without ever taking the time to flesh it out into an intelligent and worthwhile critique of class structures. It was so heavy handed and unbelievably

It’s even worse than that. The avalanche is literally barreling down on the whole population, and he’s saying “it sucks that the poor people and immunocompromised might get slammed by that avalanche, but who gives a shit if Bernie Sanders doesn’t get out of the way.” He’s then turning around and claiming that what he

Don’t bother- I’ve had this debate on here before (hell, I think it may have been with Alliterator) about ANH and TFA. Some people seem to think that if a movie changes two bits of dialogue from another movie that it’s a TOTALLY different movie. It’s like hearing people saying “NU UH!! The remake of Psycho is a

Yeah, except he wasn’t being satirical. He’s made it clear he’s expressing his genuine outrage and anger at the elderly. It’s always ironic when people criticize others for misunderstanding the point of something they’ve misinterpreted.  

Your second comment literally says we should help other people but not the elderly. That’s a literal choice that shows you’re “in favor” of them dying and suffering. Nobody is putting words in your mouth- we’re literally reacting to exactly what you posted. Don’t be an idiot and act like you’re not saying what you’re