
“I’m not “in favor” of it hurting anyone.”

“The single biggest cause” is the movies? This was the worst weekend at the box office in week 11 in more than 20 years. There have been lots of years with mediocre film offerings at this time of the year that have outperformed this weekend by substantial margins. I’d say it’s fairly undeniable that by far the biggest

What’s a youth?

I was actually just looking up the original on the playstation store today and it’s only $5. Is it worth picking up today if you’ve never played it? How well does it hold up?

Yup. It was the only time during the whole movie where I actually got interested in what was happening on screen, and then 3 minutes later they took it all back and I realized that this movie wasn’t going to do a single worthwhile thing. 

Never read the comics, and when I saw that scene I thought it was one of the dumbest scenes in the whole franchise. It honestly broke the 4th Wall because of how obviously absurd it was in-universe and how it was clearly just meant to be the filmmakers speaking directly to fans at home in the most blatant, ludicrous

I could totally get behind MORE Canto Bight if that had actually led us somewhere interesting/meaningful. Canto Bight was such a waste because you could literally completely delete those scenes from the movie (and now the whole franchise, since they didn’t follow up with ANY of that stuff in Rise) and it would be the

My subjective opinion is that it is undeniably the worst of the 9 main films. The prequels had TONS of flaws, but they had a coherent vision, some great spectacle at times, and are mostly consistent with one another. There are tons of clunky parts, but the actual purpose of the storytelling is solid. Rise is just a

I see people talk about this a lot when it comes to remakes or sequels to long ago franchises, and I totally see where you’re coming from but disagree a bit. The thing that changes is our ability to remember the thing in the way it exists before the remake/sequel. Take Indiana Jones. The original three are classics,

I have no idea why you’re even asking this question. But no, I don’t think Bill Gates has billions of dollars sitting in his checking account. What’s your point?

“If you found out tomorrow that Bill Gates owned a couple dozen McDonalds’ across the country, you wouldn’t be the least bit shocked.”

Agreed. I actually love the Mustafar duel. That and the Phantom Menace fight with Darth Maul are highlights of the prequels for me. 

“Yeah we kinda got that from your ridiculous dribble.”

Star Trek made $385 million and Into Darkness made $467 (the majority of which came internationally). The first Iron Man made $585 million, the second made about $100 million more, and the 3rd one made over a billion $$$. The first two Trek movies WISH they made even Iron Man 1 money.

Completely agree with that last point. I love Chris Pine as an actor, but I don’t see any reason to insist on him coming back if he’s going to cost $10 million+- simply reboot and recast. Start off with a different universe on more solid footing- the Kelvin universe has been horribly flawed from the get go.

Some things have a smaller audience but are still profitable. Just not Marvel profitable. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

Exactly. The Kelvin universe is all about flashy action sequences and rapid fire camera movements to distract from the lack of substance (aka- JJisms). The best action sequences in Trek history are the tactical, naval style starship fights. The ones where the Captain is trying to outmaneuver and outthink his enemy

Good point. Indy is probably the worst example. That character WANTS the adventure. Sitting on his porch smoking a pipe watching the sunset every night would be literal torture for him. 

I also wish that my fictional worlds contained less excitement and adventure for the made up people who populate them. Won’t someone PLEASE think of the imaginary people?!?!

Ehh, I can see where you’re coming from, but I also think the resolution of his arc from season 2 opens up huge possibilities and raises tons of interesting questions about what he will do next. So color me intrigued.