
100%. I remember watching the action scene in episode 7 of season 2 and thinking “why can’t hollywood pump out fight sequences this compelling?!?!” Just so perfectly done. And normally I get pretty sick of the argumentative banter that’s become the norm in things like the MCU (as much as I loved Infinity War and

The point is that the delays between movies like The Dark Knight trilogy is explicitly because the sequels are not planned from the get go. It’s not the production schedule that’s effecting those movies. It’s “we’re making a movie that stands on its own. At a later date, we MAY go back and make another one.” When

So you did miss my point. Thanks. 

I think you’ve entirely missed my point. Godfather 1, 2, and 3 are all standalone movies. Star Wars did have 2 year gaps between the new movies, but we knew when they were being released and how long to wait. The X Men trilogy are standalone movies set in the same universe with some carryover. Back to the Future 1 was

Totally get all of that. I don’t disagree- I just think that doing it that way carries with it inherent costs/risks in additions to the pros/benefits you’re mentioning, one of which is that it makes playing the initial Episode feel jarring and disjointed in a way that might be pretty troubling. In 10 years if they

That’s the thing, we don’t KNOW what SE is planning, we don’t have any information on Episode 2 of the FF7R, it could come out next year? Could be in 2022? Could be in the Fall. No one knows how far in the development this saga is.”

And typically when you’re getting one long, connected story in a movie trilogy they come out on an annual basis (if not faster) and are filmed at one time. If you’re going to wait YEARS between movies then they typically serve as a standalone stories that are connected by characters. For example, the difference

As a huge fan of the original, I’m not in any way concerned that this isn’t giving me the full game in one go. But I AM concerned that it’s going to feel very much like playing the first episode in an entire series of a television show- it’s going to be very odd to drop however many hours into this game only to get to

100%. Monsters Inc. was an amazing idea executed incredibly well. The only reason a movie that good isn’t on more people’s favorites lists is because of just how phenomenal that original one was. Monsters U was just a rip off of college hijinx movies that we’ve seen 50x since Animal House came out 40 years ago. Still

Wait, are you saying that Ratatouille and Monsters Inc. aren’t great movies?

That first playthrough point is probably crucial. Take Sekiro- I waited to do the “bad” Shura ending until I’d already done all the other endings. So for completionists and true fans of a game, they’ll go back and do the bad ending just so they can check it off, but the number of people going renegade on their first

If you agree that it’s a bad attitude then maybe you should be less touchy about folks chiming in to say “you’re right, that is a shitty attitude”? Or at least be more understanding when they say “you’re attitude is way shittier than you’re acknowledging”? You’re not somehow inoculating yourself from criticism over

You clearly haven’t considered that this would mean no LUDA in the Fast and the Furious franchise.

Edit: damn, someone already made a Bender joke #toolate

Who is still on winter break on February 20th?

Who is still on winter break on February 20th?

It holds up really well too! I pretty much guarantee you’ll love it :)

“People who love dogs won’t like it.”

The Fugitive didn’t do that for you? He was absolutely incredible in that movie.

In the theater it is far less noticeable and distracting. I was pretty turned off by the promotional stuff I’d seen, but when I saw it at an advance screening last week I was pleasantly surprised. It’s definitely Lion King or Thanos, but it’s nowhere near as bad as I expected. 

I saw an advance screening last week. I can’t disagree with anything in the review (especially the take on Stevens’ performance), but as a huge dog lover I loved every minute of this movie. It is NOT a great film- but if you’re the target audience and can settle in with appropriately low expectations you may just walk