
Did you read the article or just the headline and caption? The article explains that it very clearly is a memory and that it wouldn’t make any sense for him to be a Force ghost. Just like every other article has done. It’s a simple article to push out to get clicks (people love clicking on Star Wars headlines,

Work on your reading comprehension. My post wasn’t telling people what to do. It was pointing out that his advice is vague and general, and that it’s utterly fine as general advice goes but doesn’t actually tell you what “the best” exercise was, which is what he was explicitly claiming to be doing in his first

That was a fascinating response. “I have no expertise in the area, don’t particularly enjoy it, but will espouse a view about it and make grand statements about how the general population feels about it even though I just said I don’t like actually engaging with the subject.” I don’t even know where to begin. I asked

LOL, I love the conclusion given the fact that I was the one making your exact statements ten years ago before I actually spent time educating myself further. They’re great movement patterns. But what about specific exercises? Barball back squat? Or goblet squat? Landmine squat? Front squat? Deadlifts are great- what

Not to mention different goals and different contexts. What if someone already has a great degree of aerobic fitness, but now they want to increase bone density? Well, strength training might be great, and arguing that they’re not doing “the best” exercise by deadlifting and squatting would be idiotic. But what if you

This is such an oddly inconsistent and contradictory position you’ve taken. You claim that most people just want to be able to workout in such a way as to enjoy their lives and lifestyles without being forced into working out in a specific fashion, and that this is something that the fitness gurus can’t seem to

Literally none of those exercises are mandatory to do, and a lot of people really don’t like them. They’re in no way “the best” for a huge number of people. If you like them then great! So do I! But acting like some exercises have magical properties is just silly.

“Surely it can’t be that hard to determine what exercise for most people will burn the most amount of calories per unit time. Surely that’s just biomechanics and physics?”

Exactly. Which is why nobody is actually debating this. James is just super defensive about this movie (go back and read all the stuff he’s written about it), so he tends to pretend that the people who criticize it are idiots who are overly sensitive fans who spend too much time on the internet. Just click on the

It got an A cinemascore and will take home about $70 million over the holiday weekend. I’d say A TON of people were expecting to, and actually did, enjoy this movie. I haven’t seen it yet, but it absolutely does not strike me as the kind of family friendly kids movie that is worthy of an entire snarky article ranting

The first episode was pretty good. The second one not quite as good, but still fun. The third episode was nonsense garbage. 

I just wish the CGI had been better. That scene of her as a ROTJ era Carrie Fisher was the worst in the whole ST. She looks like a plastic doll- even the de-aging in Rogue One for her was better than the shot in ROS.

I don’t think anyone actually questioned that aspect of it, but it does make for a nice strawman to swat away questions about that scene. Most people seem to remember all that talk of “training” and “work” that goes into using the Force, as evidenced by the fact that we never see anyone else with no training actually

This is inventing so many things and interpreting so much based on such flimsy material in the movies that it reads more like fan fic than analysis. 

“As charmingly quirky as the film’s extended title is”

Relax. If you haven’t spent anytime actually looking into or studying these things then engaging in judgmental concern seems like a waste of time and downright obnoxious. The Rock is doing what he loves doing, and he can certainly afford the best medical advice, trainers, and nutritionists around to make informed

I hear ya. So far, it’s a bit of a slog. I didn’t actually play it all this weekend, in part because I was busy, but also because I just didn’t feel like loading it up. I had the same feeling for a while with both Bloodborne and Sekiro, and ended up absolutely loving both of those games, so I’m gonna keep on chugging

Thanks! I’m finally giving Dark Souls a try this weekend (after absolutely loving Sekiro and Bloodborne), but once I get through those I’ll give RDR2 another go and keep those tips in mind :)

Exactly my thought. “Here, have all of this great shit for free that we paid for. Oh, and we think you suck!” Okay, so people who she already hates and know hate her have made fun of her, and all she got out of it was this sweet ass vacation. Great job guys!

I had the same feeling until I finally finished my first playthrough. I am just not any good at these games, so I was still pretty bad towards the end of the game, and then it suddenly clicked. All of the sudden I was slicing through enemies and parrying like a champ and it became a joy to play. I had a similar