
Literally not true, but okay *shrug*

It’s all about how you market it- you just gotta find some Chili Palmer type to convince people that this is the Cadillac of Grandpa Sedans.

Yup, I’m right there with you. It was an utterly forgettable movie that I was not upset about having seen when I walked out of the theater. A perfectly adequate way to spend an afternoon. If it wasn’t Star Wars then it would have engendered decidedly “meh” reactions from moviegoers- probably something along the lines

“Maybe it’s not as negative as I think, and it’s my own miserable bastard persona making it feel moreso?”

You missed the joke. I even included a winky face.

Exactly! I’m still waiting for the software patch to update my VHS to allow for Netflix streaming! These idiots that keep telling me to throw it out just don’t understand the way things should work!

If you honestly think that’s how it came across then English must not be your first language.

“I can see how it’s anxiety inducing before you really get into it”

“If this is gonna be an expensive kit, then I’m not even sure what it’s purpose is in the first place.”

Or “stop giving people anxiety about things they a) shouldn’t be anxious about because it’s not actually difficult, and b) wouldn’t be anxious about at all if you weren’t actively inducing it.” He’s not telling the anxious that they’re emotions are wrong- he’s telling fearmongers not to spread nonsense that causes

Exactly. And it’s not like doing so would have destroyed the “will any help arrive in time” tension. You can set it up so that the audience knows that help is trying to come but isn’t sure if it will make it before the heroes lose. One of my favorite sequences like this is in Star Trek VI where they have the scene of

So happy to see this comment. Phoenix is a perfectly fine actor I suppose, but I can’t think of anyone else who gives me such a strong sense of “LOOK AT ME ACTING!” when I see him on screen. Every choice he makes is intentionally designed to be slammed into your eyeballs so that you’re aware that he chose to do it.

Or they could make better movies? Honestly, it isn’t like the only options are “make a rehash of a better star wars movie” or “make something that just ignores a ton of previously established canon and invents a bunch of nonsensical new stuff”. TFA and TLJ weren’t two sides of one single storytelling coin. Your

Exactly. And it’s not like the wayfinder was meant to be found by just anyone. Why didn’t whoever made the dagger just grab the wayfinder and take it themselves? Like, what was the point of that convoluted mcguffin system of tracking it down? And like you said, thank god Rey just happened to be standing in literally

I was worried about TFA from the moment they chose nostalgia-hack JJ to direct it, and when the first shot was literally a reverse copy of the opening to  ANH I knew we were in trouble. But I could never have imagined how bad and hackneyed it would actually turn out to be, nor the fawning praise that such a carbon

Exactly. Heck, just look at the first Thor movie- that is a decidedly Kenneth Branagh affair. And you don’t even have to go beyond the Star Wars movies- the three episodic movies are all incredibly driven by the director behind the wheel. I’m not really sure where Julie’s comment even comes from- one of the big

“It was more like, “oh now it makes sense what was going on... I have no idea why they did that, but I get it.””

LOL, I forgot that Poe gets shot. Jesus, JJ is really terrible at having anything that happens on screen mean anything. Hell, Rey is DEVASTATED after she thinks she killed Chewie, but it has no apparent emotional impact on her whatsoever within 3 minutes of screen time. His movies are chock full of stuff like that.

I did not like TLJ, but I am shocked that people continue to say it left the story nowhere to go. It 100% did not. Kylo was now Supreme Leader, and he was on a path to consolidate power and take over the galaxy. The republic is in tatters after the devastating first strike from TFA, but that doesn’t mean that Kylo and

I just made the same point in another comment. It’s especially bonkers because she’s abandoning the Palpatine name (you know, the one her Father had- the guy who, along with her mother, sacrificed everything to protect her) because of the connection to the Emperor while simultaneously choosing to be a Skywalker.