
Chewie getting his medal was the most pandering fanservice imaginable. He’s been involved in 100s of battles since then, accomplished countless other things, lost his best friend, his best friend’s wife, and dozens of other lifelong friends along the way. Chewie doesn’t give a shit about that medal, and neither would

Relax. People can have a subjective opinion that something is objectively bad. People like that call out that kind of semantic usage are objectively awful.

What a waste those death stars and starkiller bases were. You can just strap a planet killing weapon to the bottom of a star destroyer and literally have ten thousand of them. 

Yup. TFA already made it clear that the vast majority of the sacrifices and accomplishments of the OT were utterly meaningless. But at the very least you could say “well, at least they killed the Emperor.” Now, you can’t even say that. Luke, Leia, Han, and the Rebel armies literally accomplished nothing other than

I think Amont. is referring to when she initially reaches out to him. That’s when she “died”/went into the coma. Her body disappeared when Ben’s did, but everyone already said she was dead. She was covered by a shroud with people mourning her. So I have no idea what she really did other than distract Ren long enough

Which is, of course, just shockingly stupid. In TLJ, Leia is the leader of the resistance and sends out a call for help and nobody comes. The characters say everyone is too afraid of the First Order. In this movie, Lando flies around in a ship for 20 minutes to unite against a FAR more terrifying foe (Palpatine with

But Kylo even says it’s not really Han, and the Han projection nodded. And I’m pretty sure that quote only applies to Force users, which Han is not. The Luke quote always seemed to me to be clearly saying the memory of Han would always be with him, which is exactly what Kylo says he’s talking to during that scene. Othe

Yeah, I don’t buy that. He was going to tell her he loved her was my thought. He clearly pines for her, and why on earth when you think you’re about to die would you feel the sudden urge to shout out “BTW, I can kind of get a feeling of the Force sometimes!” Not to mention that Rey would have been able to sense that

Thank you! I thought I imagined that 16 hour deadline they said. I thought that Palpy was going to launch his star destroyers unbelievably quickly, but then the movie takes what one can only assume is DAYS to travel around the galaxy gathering maguffins and getting things in order, yet the rebels still have time to

Why would he have even put it in his new ship? He already knew how to find the Emperor, so he doesn’t need the wayfinder anymore. Rey was incredibly lucky that he did though.

Agree completely, except for the Han one. That was just Kylo’s representation of him, not actually Han. It was him coming to terms with his own inner turmoil, not actually talking to Han. 

“Now I gotta decide if the ST is worse than the PT.”

I also want to know where the First Order’s whole fleet is. They were set to take over the galaxy after TLJ, and yet in this one the rebels wipe out Palpy’s manufactured and utterly ludicrous armada and act as if they’ve now resolved all the conflicts, but isn’t the First Order out there as well? I mean, the whole

I’m also curious as to how the good guys have now “won”. They defeated Palpatines armada because of that ridiculous “they can only take off if they’re all synced to one nav tower” plot contrivance. But doesn’t the First Order still have all its forces? Unless they scuttled all their ships or decided to fly them all to

You also forgot (just like the movie did for the most part) the Knights of Ren. They kept on being dramatically shown skulking around in scenes as if they’re about to do something, but they didn’t do jack squat until Kylo mopped the floor with them at the end of the movie. It was so bizarre. They had that helicopter

“Who knew Rey with the red double saber was a red herring?”

The stakes thing was hilarious. The First Order is this menacing unstoppable threat to the galaxy for two movies, and then all of the sudden Palpy shows up with enough star destroyers to literally increase the First Orders forces “ten thousand fold”! And Palpy can now force lightning thousands of ships at once,

Serial adventures are great fun. Dumb serial adventures are not. This movie demonstrated an utter lack of creativity, and involved putting characters in “adventurous” situations that existed solely to be adventurous, not because the story naturally led them there. Rey sailing over rough waters to get to the Death Star

For sure. But that shows just how lazy the writing was. “Rey needs to show that she can do some crazy new Force healing power. How can we do it? Let’s just throw in a huge snake thing that WON’T eat them, will somehow sneak right up on them and have them fully surrounded (which will increase the tension, right?!

Ugh, that stupid “can’t translate Sith” contrivance. Why can you even read Sith then?! Who the hell programmed you? And SOOO much of the movie just seemed to be based off of “okay, so they just did X, but SURPRISE!, they can’t just go straight to Y because CHALLENGES!” They can’t get to the Death Star because of