
Not to mention that Luke explicitly admits that he was wrong for doing everything he did in TLJ. He says he made a mistake distancing himself from the force and becoming a hermit. I don’t know if JJ could’ve inserted a bigger middle finger to Rian in the movie than that line. 

“So the only option is either he’s unconnected to the force and doesn’t know, or he doesn’t care.”

A) I don’t get why people think that pointing out a flaw in the OT is a way to defend the same flaw in these movies. The OT was by no means perfect, and it definitely had issues.

Also, Snoke was the Emperor...? How the hell did that work? And was I just rolling my eyes so hard that I missed when they explained exactly how Palpatine wasn’t dead? He’s just....alive...? I mean, he got thrown down a giant shaft and then had the Death Star blow up all around him. I was expecting them to at least

“It’s as if no one thought about anything when writing these movies, just stream-of-consciousness writing that was never reviewed.”

Not to mention that Kylo said in TLJ that the strain of the force connection would require such huge exertions of the Force that it would have killed Rey, and yet now both of them are just casually doing it with no strain. Heck, Luke did it as a hologram that couldn’t interact with things, and now Kylo and Rey are

I was literally thinking that halfway through the movie. They’ll only ever have one chance to do a follow up trilogy to the OT, and this is what they gave us. Such a damn shame. 

This movie made a bigger leap in Force powers than I think all the others combined. Teleporting objects, healing the dead, Force-lightning an entire fleet full of rebel ships, Kylo and Rey battling over pulling a FO transport out of the sky, etc. etc. etc. It was all soooooo ridiculous. 

What horrifying beliefs did Crichton have? Genuinely curious. I find his anti-science bent in most of his books to be silly (even if it makes for great stories- Jurassic Park essentially says that you can’t contain nature, but it relies on a multi billion dollar theme park deciding to trust 100% of its security

That’s an equally befuddling position to take. Varys and others came to join her over the first 7 seasons precisely because she was constantly doing things differently than other rulers, and this inspired them to genuinely hope that she would be a different kind of ruler. A seed planted here and there about the 180

So someone who has a documented history of debilitating anxiety responses to being put in exactly this kind of situation should calmly and rationally have responded to it? Do you not understand how debilitating anxiety actually operates? 

Not to mention that there’s no evidence that he “stormed out” or was in a huff or being a diva. He’s literally said being put in this exact type of scenario causes him extreme anxiety. And that’s just with regular clips of him acting- singing is an even more personal and vulnerable act, so it stands to reason he would

There is literally no reason why they can’t add the clip in post-production. The interviews aren’t aired live- they’re edited and altered before being released. I don’t even understand how this is a debate. He’s talked publicly about it dozens of times, and even gone so far as to say that at the premiere of

“If her goal was to break the wheel, conquering like every other conqueror before her was probably a bad way to do it.”

That’s like saying that if Abraham Lincoln had ordered Sherman to kill every man, woman, and child in Atlanta it would not have been surprising because he ordered the execution of traitors or war criminals. George Washington, Eisenhower, etc. etc. were all generals in conflicts that had to kill people who opposed

Great advice. Roth IRAs, 401ks, etc. etc. etc. are all ridiculous wastes of time and money. Might as well take up smoking because it looks cool and won’t kill you for 30 years, so why worry?

One of my favorite (and by “favorite” I mean “dumbest things that’s hilarious when you think about it for two seconds”) was how the show acted like nobody would ever think to actually use scouts. So many battles could have been won or completely avoided if people just decided to send someone over the nearest hill to

Not to mention that the unsullied are literally talking about executing Tyrion for betraying Dany (their queen who they still worship) and they just let him attend this meeting and decide the future of everyone involved. Wtf was Grey Worm doing while all this happening? How does any of that make any sense? It was all

What the what? She was a conqueror with a strict and rigid moral code and that involved bloodshed, some of it brutal but all of it understandable from her particular moral code. But Jesus, your argument is like saying we shouldn’t be surprised if Eisenhower started murdering babies with his own two hands because he

It’s been...interesting...to see io9 pointing out all the flaws in GoT at their end of year awards parties after writing such fawning praise of the last two seasons while the episodes were actually airing. The link to the Long Night discussion is talking about as a very good episode, and now it’s not even just a