
“Something is gonna kill you. Get over it. I enjoy my life. I do whatever the fuck I want.”

100%. As a movie exploring one man’s descent into madness and how it parallels society’s it’s perfectly fine, if not anything ground breaking or exceptional. As a Batman universe movie it’s absurd. Bruce Wayne is going to grow up to become Batman and on his first day on the job he’s going to catch Fleck and have him

The movie has its flaws, for sure, but at least it tried something different! How many times can one franchise return to the same storytelling well! “A terminator goes back in time to kill a human that doesn’t realize how important they will eventually be to the resistance. But this time the terminator is the

Agreed. I watched the first episode and liked it just fine, but the big takeaway I had was that it was just so dang obvious that you were watching a show full of puppets. The bouncy little motions and awkward movements work really well in some situations, but in this context it was just so obvious and jarring.

But the problem is that the writers of a blog site devoted specifically to geek and nerd fandom should be the ones who have the BEST understanding of its historical importance and just how incredible, groundbreaking, and influential it was when written. To claim it “was” fine is to say that it was never really all

Exactly. The filmmakers clearly just wanted a 2 hour kaiju fight movie. Most of the movie was just loud roaring and incredible visuals, which is fine I guess. I now know what it’s like for people that attend Street Fighter V professional tournaments *shrug*. But the 30 minutes of the movie that was focused on the

You literally answered your own question. 

I don’t understand this defense. You admit that a sequel is likely never going to be made, but then say that criticizing the first one for choosing to lean so heavily into setting up that sequel is unfair. The fellowship comparison is especially puzzling- FotR WOULD be a MUCH lesser film if the sequels didn’t exist. A

What are you even talking about with Dark Fate? Above average reviews? It has a 54 on metacritic, literally the same score as SW Episode II. Who in their right mind is arguing that the SW prequels had above average reviews? I’m glad you guys liked it, but c’mon now. Audiences didn’t flock to it in large part because

Why not both? Some fans demanding the Snydercut are doing so so that they can pretend like it will validate all the choices they defended in MoS and BvS that most people hated, and some others are just curious to get more information about a movie that they had been excited to see and never got a chance to. Just like

The big CGI showdown is like 5 minutes of the movie though...?

“A lot of people are still going to have a negative view of FCA going in...” 

Hard disagree. I don’t know too many people that were actually upset about the events so much as how unearned they were. Actually establish a REASON for things to happen and people tend to be fine with them. You don’t have a bunch of people calling the show terrible because it killed off Ned, even though folks loved

What an odd comment...

The airpod pros look different than the airpods, which is what Adam was comparing them to. 

These universal “rules” are always so absurd. If someone writes a long speech about how “our relationship is struggling and we need to talk and could we please meet up” and you respond “k”, then fine, the conversation begged for a longer, more thoughtful reply. If someone says “let’s meet up for coffee at 2:30" then

So now the advice is dumb because it’s only going to be used as a safety net to cover two bad periods of unemployment? Wow, how terrible! We should totally dismiss the utterly obvious advice to be think long term about small but repeated cash outlays because people will end up spending the money they wouldn’t have

*among 18-49 year olds.

A) $1,300 invested in a ROTH IRA every year for 40 years is gonna add up to a helluva lot more than a down payment of a very used car.

I love this response. The advice is literally “using coffee as an example, if you stopped making unnecessary small purchases thousands of times the money would add up”, and your response is “this advice is dumb because if I didn’t spend the five dollars on coffee I would instead make thousands of other small and