
Anybody else notice that the twitter embedded video player is garbage? It takes 10 seconds to get the resolution any higher than like 360, so you can barely make out what you’re looking at. Given that the actual interesting part of the highlight normally happens right at the start, the videos are essentially useless.

For sure. It’s just going to depend on how Marvel plays it. If the next movie has the overwhelmingly vast majority of people believing Spider-Man is a killer then they’ve screwed up. But if there is a small but extremely dedicated crackpot minority that pushes extreme views then I think they will have nailed it. Alex

It would’ve been much easier (and meant exactly the same thing) if you had just said “You’re too reasonable for the Deadspin comments section.”

Forget us, forget the other players who competed against them, and just listen to Emmitt. He’s on record as saying that he thinks Barry is the greatest running back of all time. 

If he had played on any team other than the Lions he would be universally considered the greatest runner of all time. It wouldn’t even be close. The fact that he always led the league in things like 10+ yard carries AND times tackled behind the line of scrimmage showed how awful his offensive line was and how

Isn’t that what HRC tweeted in response?

Exactly! The movies are great, don’t get me wrong. But the focus clearly isn’t on internal consistency or realistic ways of handling the threats the movies present. Which is totally cool! They’re not supposed to be about that! But there are definitely times where I can’t help but think “huh, I wonder where

Do you not know what “suspend your disbelief” means? The fact that you’re responding to my comments as if I was saying I seriously wish that they included US military operations and realistic political gamesmanship is utterly bizarre dude. I literally said I obviously DON’T want that in my original comment, and was

Except that a) this isn’t the first time that Thanos has come to Earth to wreak havoc- we literally have an AUMF that is still in effect from 9/11, so I can guarantee you that Congress wouldn’t have waited to pass an authorization to deal with whenever an intergalactic space monster brings armies to destroy the world;

““Ok Tony, sure coulda used those drones when facing off against Thanos, Round 2.””

Dude, I’m with you. But you are on the wrong website if you think you’re gonna find many receptive ears to your argument here. 

First thing I thought of. I’m not really sure how a site like Deadspin (which bends over backwards to attack people as monsters for engaging in anything that violates even a scintilla of its moral code) can post an article about the running of the bulls that doesn’t at least mention how horrific the practice is. 

Aren’t strikeouts and home runs correlated though? The explanation I recall reading a year or so ago was that the uptick in home runs was due to batters altering their swing angle to hit more fly balls- they were disincentivized from just trying to get the ball in play. However, this style also means that you’re more

Can you think of another athlete where writers and bloggers would bend over backwards this hard to avoid appearing to criticize? Like, if Lebron James or Steph Curry or Aaron Rodgers absolutely went off on an official in a game (and not once, not twice, but thrice in the same game!) do you think every article that

This whole situation is such an amazing Rorschach test. People whose priors are “Serena is treated unfairly and everyone is biased against her” cannot be swayed by what actual happened, or by evidence of a) similar men behaving similarly being disciplined similarly, or b) men not being punished because their behavior

Can you actually point to any? The list of men being punished for similar conduct is pretty extensive (McEnroe being actually tossed from a grand slam comes to mind). And at the time this incident occurred, people kept pointing to the same list of bad behaving men, but every instance they pointed to was so obviously

Exactly! This whole “apology” is more “I’m so sorry that everyone else being so terrible to me and behaving so horribly on that day took away from your enjoyment of your accomplishment” than heartfelt recognition of her own mistakes. 

Her blaming everyone else is pretty funny. And then writing this article and releasing the apology letter to make herself look grateful and magnanimous in the fact of a controversy that was about 99% her own fault in the first place. 

The only race I ever finished any better than dead last in as a child was the backstroke, and they DQ’d me for turning over like 0.5 seconds early (I finished in second to dead last by about 2 seconds). I still remember how disappointed I was to learn I had FINALLY swam fast enough not to be the worst swimmer and had

I’m not a big fan of these devices, but I do live near where the device was installed in Gallery Place, Chinatown in DC. I used to walk through there just about every day to go and from work. There were multiple times where I was walking where groups of about 20 teenagers would be milling around and I would see a few