
What’s his horse in the race? The point seems to be that if Windhorst was talking about this risk before it happened that therefore the Warriors can’t claim that this was an unforeseeable outcome. It raises questions about why they would take a known and readily apparent risk that has now potentially cost Durant an

A) Calm down buddy.

I think it’s just a weird comment. He’s split it into two different discussions- the first half of the comment is based off of the dictionary definition of a dynasty, which is the following:

I made the same point to my brother before the series started when everyone was acting like the Warriors winning was just a formality. That Pistons win was one of the few times my gut has steered me right on an underdog, and in this series I could not for the life of me figure out why NOBODY thought that Toronto could

“They absolutely turned into the spot-on Warriors in the third quarter and made sure the dagger they inserted after halftime stayed put. They have won 13 of the 16 quarters in this series, and in the third quarter, which the popular lore says the Warriors have controlled this year, they were soul-crushed, 37-21. They

“The author literally said “demonetizing rather than banning Crowder had the effect of pissing off just about everyone following the day-long blunder.” What the actual fuck did I read wrong?”

Yup. We’ve now gotten to the stage where a white guy pointing out that “hey, we have done nowhere near enough to promote and provide opportunities to women and POCs, and I need to do a better job about that” is actually evidence of sexism and racism that requires that person to lose their job. It reminds me of when

Yup. My 10 year old 1080p panasonic plasma screen still looks amazing. Yeah, OLED screens make my mouth water when I see them, but until my plasma burns out I’m going to be just fine watching things at 1080p and below. Claiming Stadia is going to be a bust because you need super fast internet to get to resolutions

Exactly. The article is written as if this is a stupid product to even release unless you can guarantee 4k 60 fps for coal miners living in small villages in northern Montana. A) Those folks aren’t playing video games, and B) if you can’t reach them so what? Does Alex really think Google spent the money developing

“Just to be clear I haven’t tested Stadia out apart from a very controlled demo at GDC back in March, so there is the possibility Stadia could and will be everything Google has promised. A truly new era in gaming that finally untethers us from consoles and powerful PCs.”

This reminds me of the book The Millionaire Next Door. People make decisions about large swaths of individuals based on the loudest and most obnoxious of them, and they don’t realize that a lot of the people they really like and/or respect fall into that same category. “Rich people are assholes!” is easy to say if you

Not to mention carrying. I thought the rule had pretty much been relegated to “only the most absurdly egregious violations are ever going to be called from here on out”, but after Curry’s carry wasn’t called last night I figure it’s time to just delete that portion of the rulebook entirely. 

Yeah, I wasn’t sure how a game without Klay and other solid contributors is evidence of that claim. The fact they had won 5 straight games coming into the finals without Durant would seem to be much better evidence in that debate. Curry needs Thompson’s shooting to help break down the defenses for the rest of the

Naw, I don’t think that’s how it would play out. The reason the 3-1 thing was so cathartic was because the Warriors SHOULD have won at least one of those games (I’m giving the benefit of the doubt to the folks who say losing Draymond for one game was devastating). They were at full strength for 2 of the last 3, and

This is the correct take. Van Gundy is occasionally actually funny, and his insights into the game are solid. Jackson just spouts platitudes and idiocy and never says anything remotely entertaining. 

If Deadspin is now planning on writing “reporter asks stupid question” blog posts then y’all are gonna need to hire more staff. I have no idea why this article exists or why I bothered to read it, let alone why I bothered to comment. What are any of us doing? This is insanity!

“Yes, and as we all know, the goal of sport is to root out anyone who has a biological advantage. We wouldn’t want people who are biologically anomalous “ruining” our sports, would we? Only the most average athletes, that’s what I want to see, thanks!”

You’ve posted this “it’s the rules, and therefore everyone should shut up” argument multiple times on this article. It’s just a flat out silly stance to take. There are a tremendous number of things in this world that are perfectly acceptable under the rules but are still morally/ethically wrong and worthy of

Yup. I actually wish it would happen more often (so long as Klay isn’t seriously hurt that is) so that it would discourage guys from trying that nonsense. 

I applaud your naivety for thinking that the Deadspin comments section has any time for people pointing out such quaint notions as “due process” or “patience”. This article pretty much just says “a police report has been filed”- nothing more. That’s all the folks here need to assume that Neymar is guilty as hell and