
I don’t come to Deadspin for balanced, fair, rational reporting, but the articles on this subject have been atrocious even by Deadspin standards. 

Yup. Trying to blame this on TLJ, or the fact that trailer only came out 4 months beforehand (which, give me a friggin’ break dude), or the fact that it was released in December, etc. etc. etc. etc. is just grasping at ANYTHING to explain why most people didn’t like a movie that you liked. No no no, it couldn’t be

If you’re lucky, when you call 311 the American rock band will come from Omaha, Nebraska to try and eradicate your rat problem. 

This is an oddly judgmental piece. You “lost [your] mind” each time you read an article about someone making the exact same mistake that you made when you were tasked with writing an identical article? I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone admit to being exasperated at how someone else’s analytical skills are just as

Managers arguing with umpires is just about the dumbest thing imaginable. It slows down the game, makes the manager look like a toddler, looks entirely performative, and accomplishes precisely squat. If you want to argue about something then do it like every other sport- come out and talk with the ref during a

Agreed. Some of these stories KIND OF make sense- I think the technology has advanced far enough that a Lion King remakes actually could be pretty interesting. Mulan is one that doesn’t need to be animated- a better story with real life actors could be fantastic. But so much of what made Aladdin and Beauty and the

Huh? 15 x 94 million is $1.41 billion...

Wow. We have gotten to the point where even SOAP is too dirty for the paranoid germaphobe. Amazing.

Wow. We have gotten to the point where even SOAP is too dirty for the paranoid germaphobe. Amazing.

100% agree. I want to see them go off in wholly new directions doing lots of different types of stories. Limiting to the only being about this particular military conflict because the name of the fictional universe they’ve created happened to be “Star WARS” is absurd and semantic silliness. The galaxy far, far away

I mean, they rereleased the Lion King in 3-D in 2011 and it made $94 million. That’s a very nice profit, but the live action remake is going to make 15x that. They also rereleased the original in theaters a year or two ago. I remember going to see it and I was one of maybe 10-20 people in the theater. The amount of

Quick question- I’ve never understood why Aladdin wasn’t a prince after wishing to be made into one. I mean, the rules were that he can’t make people fall in love or bring people back from the dead. Becoming a prince isn’t either of those things. So the whole “she can’t marry you because you’re not a real prince”

I’m all for new properties. I don’t think we NEED new stories in the star wars universe, but if you think Disney is just going to let the most profitable franchise in history die then I’ve got a bridge to sell you. New stories are coming, and to pretend like there is no way they could tell us anything different than

LOL! I mean, they could also detail other “wars” that take place after the Empire or FO are defeated (invading races that were on the outskirts of the galaxy who were biding their time and waiting for the current power centers to exhaust themselves fighting on another, etc.), but I really want them to do a smaller

“What do they think is next if not just more of the same?” 

I blame the capitalism, personally.”

This is just wrong. Just google it- HBO was desperate to get them to agree to do more seasons, or more episodes in the last two seasons, or even a summer blockbuster movie if that’s what it would have taken for them to have been able to keep milking the GoT cash cow. 

HBO execs and D&B are all on record in interviews saying that HBO wanted to keep making seasons and that D&B “always believed it was about 73 hours, and it will be roughly that. As much as [HBO Execs] wanted more, they understood that this is where the story ends.  

That, or HBO looking at the billable hours for these actors that were nobodies when the show began but have since renegotiated contracts to reflect how big they’ve become.”

Agreed. And it would’ve been so easy to have done it more effectively too. It seemed like we got a solid 15 minutes of Arya running around King’s Landing while buildings collapsed around her. Cut 5 minutes of that out and instead give us a 5 minute scene of her on the road from Kings’ Landing with The Hound where

That turn was another poorly executed one. Arya spends multiple seasons being a stone cold assassin bent on revenge. They showed her calmly and deliberately marching through Jon’s army’s camp to get into Kings Landing, calmly and deliberately marching up to the Red Keep, calmly and deliberately marching to her certain