
Does anyone actually have any evidence to make up the assertion that KD makes the Warriors better? I mean, I instinctively believe it to be true, but the fact is that a warriors squad built around Klay, Curry, and Draymond was already pretty dang impressive, and in the last 32 games they’ve been without him but had

“Ehhhhhhhhhhh.... We’ve been here before. Loading times go down. Devs take advantage of it, scenes, textures, details, models increase in detail and complexity and loading times go right back up. Its the same cycle we’ve had for years now, and will continue to have.”

I was 50/50 that you were a troll or an idiot. Thank you for confirming that you’re just an idiot.


What the what? You’re outraged because someone has a personal preference in commentating style that is different than yours? This is practically the very definition of subjectivity- your opinion that Joe Morgan was terrible is not objectively true. You literally psychoanalyzed why a guy prefers Morgan’s style of

Deadspin’s whole stance on this issue has been pretty disgusting. The intense focus on seeing an old man get a hand job is bizarre as hell. At least it made some kind of sense when people thought this was a sex trafficking operation, but now that we know it’s just consensual sex work we should all just move on. In any

What does the quality of his acting have to do with whether or not he’ll get work in Hollywood again? Your arguments are just utter nonsense. 

That’s a pretty hollow point. It’s like saying Chris Hemsworth’s career is over because he’ll never make another movie as big as Endgame. I’d say he’s still gonna be a pretty dang successful and in-demand actor in Hollywood for years, but there is precisely zero chance that he’ll ever make another movie that makes

I agree with you generally, but Gendry’s comments about season 7 and Dinklage’s comments about how dumb it was to put the women and children in a crypt full of dead bodies can’t really be interpreted as anything other than actual criticism of the show. A lot of the other ones could definitely be interpreted in multiple

Agreed. Deadspin generally, and I’d say especially Laura Wagner, treat every issue the way an atheist in college treats religion- it’s 100% bad, there is nothing good that anyone religious ever does, and anything that people praise is just a cynical misinterpretation of what’s REALLY going on (I say this as someone

Exactly. For 7 seasons she was kind of like The Punisher of GoT- she was absolutely brutal in horrifying ways at times, but always against people that had violated some tenant of her morality, and her morality was consistent and predictable. It was her own, but it made sense. The Bells was the equivalent of having the

Exactly. The thing is that the show could easily have set this up in a different way. Hell, show Dany staring intently at the bells, then cut back to Jamie fighting Euron to show he’s too busy to get to the bells, and then cut back to Dany looking more and more determined and furious. Show us her deciding that the

Yup- it’s not what they did, it’s how they did it. We just jump from set up to payoff with no time to allow things to develop anymore. We spend 7 seasons with Dany being an incredibly harsh, but logically brutal leader (she killed large numbers of people, but she was always guided by a morality that drove her decision

No, I understood that was exactly your point. My entire previous comment was a direct response to the claim that just because they were hired to do something else that it is unfair to criticize how poorly they’ve done a different job that they also willingly accepted and took responsibility for.

The fact that he’s explicitly talking treason (not doubletalk, or obscure innuendo, but explicit treason) out in the open as Jon gets off the boat in the presence of half a dozen other people was shockingly stupid for anyone, let alone Varys. It made precisely zero sense for his character to behave that way. 

I don’t get this defense. You’re explaining WHY it’s bad now, but that doesn’t mean it’s not bad- it just means there is a reason why it’s bad. Sure, they were better at adapting. But they took on the job of creating the content. They could have hired talented writers to do the jobs (I guarantee HBO would have given

I don’t even understand the purpose of the Cleganebowl, outside of fan service. I get why The Hound hates his brother and wants to murder him, but those reasons all go back decades. They’d lived in somewhat peaceful coexistence ever since. If Sandor was going to kill him (or needed to fight him for what he’d done to

I’m curious as to what you think the 15% was...I can’t recall him getting a single thing right. Plus, the show keeps implying that he’s knowledgeable and smart but never does anything to show us how. He told Jamie last night that King’s Landing was going to fall because “I defended it last time and I know it better

And she won last night without destroying the city and murdering thousands of innocents. She only destroyed the city AFTER she’d conquered it and they’d surrendered. She could have easily done that with 3 dragons right from the moment she arrived in Westeros.

She wanted a multitude of things. The iron throne, and revenge against Cersei and those who had wronged her. None of which was furthered by her actions, which actually undercut her desire to get revenge against Cersei. I’m certain she wasn’t hoping Cersei would die out of her sight by falling rubble.