
Agreed. Pretending like Denver should have been the clear, obvious, overwheming favorite makes zero sense. They only lost twice in the regular season after Nurkic went down (admittedly over only 9 games), and looked great in the first round. This series was ALWAYS going to be tight and hard fought because the entire

So happy that someone else recognizes how dumb the plot of Yesterday is. If the Beatles came out today nobody would give two shits- hell, their music doesn’t hold up as well today as a lot of other music from the same era (I’ll argue until I’m blue in the face that the Rolling Stones catalog is better to listen to

Why TF is this an article on deadspin? 

I love how all the people who are pointing out how ridiculous the basic premise of this article is are all still stuck in the greys. Pretty much every single greyed out comment is “WTF are you talking about Gabe? This play was fine.”

The fact that the other team’s coach doesn’t have a problem with this should be all you need to know. This was unfortunate (if his injury was legit), but not against the rules, not unsportsmanlike, and not a play that required a whistle to be blown. Chalk it up in the “shit happens” category rather than trying to gin

True, but the only reason it went to OT was because he was turning the ball over and missing every shot he attempted to close out the 4th quarter. Honestly, he was hot garbage at the end of regulation. I was shouting at the TV and begging Houston to give the ball to anyone but Harden by the end of the game because you

My thoughts exactly. He’s performing about as well as he always does in the playoffs.


Exactly. I hate the total strawman that people that couldn’t care less about spoilers construct. They claim that spoilers don’t totally destroy the experience, that there are other things to enjoy in the movie, and that whining about the whole world being ruined by spoilers is stupid. However, that’s not why unwanted s

I’ll never understand why this is so hard for some people to figure this out. If you WANT to know the end then go right ahead and read the last chapter. A lot of people (the majority of readers) don’t do that, and they don’t do it even though they could easily do so. If you want to know what happens in Endgame, go

Wait wait wait...people are being stupid on sports radio now?!?! What is this world coming to?!?!

Yes, I am sure. I put an echo dot right next to the one in my shower, and changed the wake word on it so that it’s different than the Sonos. I can SHOUT “Alexa!!” from the shower and I get nothing. I can say “Echo” and the dot wakes right up and starts listening.

Yes, I am sure. I put an echo dot right next to the one in my shower, and changed the wake word on it so that it’s

“I mean, if you want to ignore that Houston went 0-13 in back to back games with all their best players and no excuses to fall back on...”

No no no. This Warriors team won tonight, and they did so with KD scoring a lot of points. Nothing else matters- if they were beatable they would have been beaten. Since they weren’t beaten, they’re unbeatable. Houston can’t possibly win any games against them.

My thoughts exactly. “It can only be compared to Lebron’s, but I’m not gonna spend anytime actually comparing the two. In fact, the only thing I will point out is one of the things that actually makes them different. Don’t bother trying to understand what point I was going for here- I don’t think I was going for one

I made the same complaint. The biggest problem to me is that Gabe is literally making the argument for why the Warriors are vulnerable IN THIS ARTICLE. The Clippers shouldn’t have even been in the playoffs...according to Gabe. The Clippers took a game from the Warriors when they were down 3-1; something that hadn’t

What kind of a take is this? First off, the final score was 121-104 for anyone who’s curious. Secondly, you’re pointing out that that Clippers shouldn’t have even made the playoffs, took this team to 6 games, but because Kevin Durant had a great game all the sudden the very same team you just said was playing way

“he decided he wanted to play with the guys who laughed while they played.”

I tried giving it that charitable interpretation as well, but it still falls apart. The sentence should have read “Alex Smith was doing a serviceable job replacing Kirk Cousins” no matter what Gabe was going for. Excellent is just flat out wrong in any context.

My thoughts exactly. As a Washingtonian and former Redskins fan, I was flabbergasted to hear the words “Alex Smith” and “excellent” in the same sentence. Smith was doing perfectly fine- I’m not criticizing him at all. But to claim he was anything other than average, let alone that he was EXCELLENT, requires not having