
Oh my bad, I read your comment quickly and just thought you were talking about tv ratings. I’d retract my prior response if Kinja would allow me to. I’m more than happy to concede that when I make an intentionally hyperbolic statement about the show’s “objective” quality that I am really talking about my subjective

And she can also be smart and have had negative outcomes. You’re overlooking the central aspects of her history and character that make her so understandably distrustful of the world around her. She’s a monster that has excelled at the actual game that is the central thrust of the show. Given that pretty much everyone

Her goals are revenge and power. She’s currently sitting on the Iron Throne and most of her enemies are dead (many directly at her hands). If you don’t think her manipulations and scheming have been hugely successful I don’t know what to tell you.

Calm down everyone. I hate Wilbon as much as anyone, and I live in the DC area, but he’s joking. I’m not sure we need to bend over backwards every time someone we hate makes a joke to find a way to be pissed off at them. Wilbon does plenty of actually horrible shit. Focus on that.

Who doesn’t like dragons?

For sure, but I think that part of the problem with the repeated references last night to who is the smartest person alive (honestly, how terrible was that writing? Repeated references to “this person is the greatest ever” is the way high school creative writing students write. SHOW us how smart someone is, don’t have

I can sympathize with that perspective, for sure. But at the same time, focusing on that main storyline doesn’t mean that we should all just overlook or excuse poor writing and lazy storytelling. I’m always surprised at how binary people’s thinking can be on stuff like this (not you- I’m just spitballing a general

Except that it makes her look dumb as hell too. She’s the Lady of Winterfell and she invited the army into her castle (not exactly with open arms, but they’re there without a fight because she’s accepted that outcome). She will starve just like they will if they haven’t worked out the food situation, so the fact that

I found Season 7 to be so absurd that I’ve actively avoided rewatching it, but based off of your comments I may go back and give it another go. I’ve had similar reactions to lots of things in the past, so I could see a second viewing improving my opinion of it. 

I never realized how badly I wanted Westeros to have a Talk Show of some sort until this very moment.

Which still betrays a familiarity and warmth that Bran’s whole character is intentionally and explicitly divorced from. I get what the writers are going for, but it’s like much of the writing on the show for me- intended to elicit a response from the audience, regardless of how fitting it is for the scene or

Lol, gotta star you for such great gif usage.

I’m not sure it’s whining about a problem- in real life, these kinds of practical considerations are probably even more important than the battle strategy. It doesn’t do you much good to have a great army if they all starve or come down with dysentery before the battle even begins. Having said that, I thought the line

I cannot for the life of me figure out why Bran would describe Jamie as an old friend. That’s the kind of sarcastic, bitter comment that a normal person might make, but Bran is now the three-eyed raven and displays none of the human emotions that would lead us to think he’s bitter or angry about what Jamie did to him,

“Also, Bran knows when people are coming, so he has been the “greeting” party for everyone.”

“The Arya/Jon moment did not ring very true to me. Feels like they weren’t really acknowledging each other’s new selves the way the Sansa/Arya reunion did.”

Agreed. That whole scene was pretty absurd. Having Theon and a few other folks just swim up to the fleet’s flagship, climb up ropes and assassinate the whole crew without anyone on any of the other ships noticing, and then walking out with his sister was pretty dang silly. That’s one of my main problems with the show

I feel like Gabe doesn’t have internet access when he writes his articles, so he just goes based off of feel and what he thinks he remembers. How else can you explain him saying a 26 year old was too old? 

Nor should you be. Gabe’s understanding of sports is terrible relative to an average person. The fact he writes multiple articles a day for a sports blog is mind boggling to me. But I guess in Trump’s America knowledge, skill, and understanding are not relevant criteria in getting a job.