
Definitely check out the website! You can sign up to be notified about the movies that are coming up- there’s oftentimes some really cool options, even if TDK doesn’t come back for a while :)

Yup. The fact that deadspin (part of a web platform that explicitly attacks organizations and institutions for maintaining any ties whatsoever with anyone they deem to have committed any of their ever expanding list of transgressions) would write up this fawning puff piece and literally only mention the rape

Come to DC! The Air and Space IMAX has a program called Sci-Fi Sundays. They used to do a showing of a classic sci-fi/comic book movie (Aliens, Blade Runner, etc.) every Sunday, although they haven’t shown anything in a while :( (I spoke with someone at the museum recently though and they said they’re hoping to start

I prefer one of the ways of thinking about it that was presented in the article but can always use more emphasis- throwing out food just because that one particular meal may not provide the most optimal health benefits imaginable is wasteful and silly. The chicken is fine- the only problem may be that it doesn’t taste

To get into Canada’s socialized health care system...?

Another good option (I think...? Someone correct me if I’m way off base here) is sous viding it. The slow cook at a consistent temperature is great for killing bacteria, so if you’re a little unsure you can always throw it in the water for long enough to pasteurize it. My understanding is anything over 130 degrees for

And nobody (not Warner Bros, not DC Comics, not IMAX) ever said that they were.

You can dislike the movie if you’d like (god knows it has some issues), but if you honestly think that he “just quit being Batman” to start the movie then you should give it another viewing. Your explanation of what happened is just objectively not what’s going on with him. The reasons he “retired” aren’t vague

I can totally get that. I love both of Burton’s Batman movies as well.

What are you doing with your phone? I’ve had my iPhone X since the first month they came out and I don’t have a single noticeable scratch. I have a case, but no screen protector. Honestly, if you’re doing this much damage to every phone you have that sounds more like a “you” problem than a phone problem.

What is this article?? They’re screening the Nolan movies for the obvious reasons you stated, but in addition you’re overlooking that it’s a partnership with IMAX- it makes even more sense that they’re screening the trilogy that actually shot a tremendous amount of scenes on IMAX cameras, helping to popularize that

What accent should the people who live in that imaginary city speak with?

Or it’s just a relatively new iPhone...?

Isn’t the point that we are SUPPOSED to be uncomfortable with it?

I can’t wait until May 24th!!! I am SOOOO going to watch my blu-ray version of the original on that date. This one I’ll be ignoring completely.

The “Wut?” was probably in reference to the fact that the sentence as written in the article is saying that there is no doubt that anyone else could have played the role. The author probably meant to say “that there is NO ONE else” or “that is NOT anyone else”, but the sentence as written pretty much makes no sense. I

And I’ll bet Spielberg is appreciative of their fandom, but disappointed to hear that. His whole point is that the theater experience is unique and worth defending, and that therefore the industry should be doing what it can to support (rather than undermine) that experience and it’s continued viability. He’s not

This was an odd read. Your whole point is very valid, but I feel like you’re literally laying the groundwork for what Spielberg’s and other Netflix detractors’ arguments are. The only difference is at the end they would say “and because of all that, we need to do what we can to support and defend the experience of

Whoa, nice ad hominem article you’ve got here. I also appreciate the irony of someone on a genre site saying that if someone makes a movie that they personally didn’t enjoy that therefore they should be legitimately ignored on any other issues they try to raise in the film industry. Given the fact that movie snobs

The irony of your response is outstanding.