
The hypocrisy and inconsistency of the characters in the movie are one of its worst features. The characters completely change their views on things depending on whatever scene they’re in, and it seems to be driven solely by what message Snyder wants to convey scene-to-scene, regardless of whether or not it makes any

“we needed more scenes of Clark interacting with his mom, traveling the world, just general character stuff. He is kept to the audience at a distance.”

I was actually someone who supported the Zod killing when Man of Steel came out. It seemed like a logical and natural choice for Supes to make. However, that was in part because I figured that it was used to develop the character further for future installments- we would see Supes deal with the aftermath of his

100%. I’ve literally never seen a Nadal loss where he didn’t say he was hurt afterwards. I think he is one of the worst losers on the tour. He’ll always say things like “Opponent X played well. Hats off to him.”, which must be what the other commenter is focusing on. But everytime he does that he’s got ice packs all

What examples do you have of her being a shitty person, or saying anything racist or sexist?

I’m not sure what’s so incredible about making a wide open three pointer to win the game. He got free and was able to get a fantastic look at an easy shot- nothing about this play is all that amazing.

I think pretty much every basketball shoe ever has been hideous. My brother collects them, and everytime he shows up in a new pair I wince. I just don’t get the appeal- every “cool” pair just looks garish as hell to me.

Let’s be honest- virtually every basketball sneaker released in the last 25 years have been disgusting to look at. These actually look better to me than most.

Pretty sure he was saying that Durant gets away with shit other guys don’t, not the refs let people hurt him because of what happened last year. That whole paragraph that Gabe wrote seems like a huge stretch and a pretty bizarre interpretation of what he could have meant. Especially since everyone who pays any

Snyder made a movie that featured Aquaman and Wonder Woman that couldn’t make nearly as much money as those characters’ standalone movies did, and he made a Superman movie that made less than Justice League. If that doesn’t prove that Snyder should never have been allowed with a pre-production distance of the DCEU, I

Agreed. I found Shadow Moon to be a shockingly boring character played by a bland and uncharismatic actor. The guy playing him looked great but seemed to know how to make 3 facial expressions, which he just cycled through during the season depending on if he was supposed to be happy, angry, or confused. It’s awfully

I described it to a friend as a movie that’s a better conversation starter than it is a film. As a movie, it was pretty mediocre and silly, but it sure is fun to talk with folks about!

“I know you might be thinking that I’m only seeing what I want to see in the movie”

I can’t tell who’s overreacting more- the NBA, with it’s fairly standard legal memorandum that serves to modestly remind teams and players of the rules in response to media interest and attention in a story, or Deadspin for freaking out like the league had sent personal reps to every major star to yell in their faces

You honestly think that the physical tickets wouldn’t go to 70% ads? Sorry to burst your bubble, but the ads are going to be there whether you get it digitally or a hard copy.

I’m with you- it’s hard to know for sure, but I took that guy’s story as essentially true, except that he misrepresented what side he was on when his “colleagues” were slaughtered. I think his explanation was generally true when he was talking about the guys that weren’t effected by the creatures, especially since it

“You see them and they are so terrifying that the only recourse is to suicide? How does it work exactly?”

I just wrote a long post making essentially your exact points, but you provided better examples. The movie really failed by not having a clear vision of what the threat was. If I don’t know if a character is in danger in one scene, or if I don’t know why a character is NOT in danger in another, then it makes me far

I could not understand why the creatures couldn’t get into houses when doors or windows were left open. I’m all for a movie that leaves a lot of mystery open to interpretation, but this one frustrated me. The premise begs so many basic questions about what the rules are and how these things operate, yet it answers