
If Uber/Lyft believed your last comment was a common feeling among the majority of their current rider base (and I believe it is) all they have to do is raise prices sufficiently to make a decent and fair profit and pay their “independent” drivers a decent wage and no changes would be necessary. I have driven for both

My star for this is on two levels. Both levels.

Let’s not go around heaping aspersions on the author without considering the possibility that Sammy deliberately used her head to interfere with the throw - the simplest explanation is usually correct in these situations.

Perhaps, but I suspect that it was just a crap throw. In either case, it’s still too soon for this woman to tell the story. Whatever exactly happened, the javelin did not suddenly veer anywhere and this woman has not accepted that, yet.

Damn it, I hate to ungrey a troll, but this trolling made me chuckle.

I can pinpoint when I stopped living fully in the real world. 2009. It’s when I got my first smart phone. This thing is more addictive than cigarettes, more easily obtainable than cocaine, and more deadly than meth. If I could kick myself off it I would. But I’ve tried and it doesn’t last.

Apologies. You see, I was trying to make a point of my own by building on some of the points made here, not just nod and say “yeah, some people will just never be lean and healthy”. You have to want to be more healthy. That’s not judgement, that’s the hard truth I mentioned. It’s a bit like addiction, something else I

Good comment. $17.76 is a “Beautiful Number".

I tried everything. The ONLY thing that worked was calorie restriction. I got up to almost 200lbs at 5'6". I am now sub 150, 17% bf and going. Took me almost three years. But I feel so great now. Healthy. I don’t get winded going up stairs. I can play with my daughter. And as an added benefit, I look better, which in


lol Your salty response has 60 comments knocking you down a peg and only 4 stars.

I get that nobody wanted to see us hold the three major sports’ trophies in the same year.

This comment is so good you almost had me convinced you’re actually a piss-baby Boston fan smoking your morning cigarette and drinking your first cup of Dunkin swill lamenting over the plight of a cursed sports town. Thank you for allowing me to paint that rich tapestry in my head. Well done.

From my understanding prisons do tend to be places that it's easy to catch a bug. And even in more ideal examples (like college dorms or military barracks) the flu and other things tend to spread fairly easily, or at least that's how I perceived it while I was in those. 

Well it did say she was HIV positive so she could’ve caught something more easily than the average person, but it does seem like that should’ve affected her on the journey too. This poor woman. 

I agree with most of this practical assessment. .

I think many of us - at least most of the women here - have had a moment where some much older man who has some leverage over us has lunged at us for a cheek kiss. That “lost your lunch” feeling is the same one I’ve gotten the times that happened to me. This is a person who you know would never greet a male colleague

I went to college, so I know FOR A FACT that socialism is two dipshits in their early 20's at a party arguing about whether or not it’s better praxis to identify as a Maoist or a Marxist-Leninist, while definitely agreeing that Sage Francis is a top 5 rapper (maybe all time) and that they would both have girlfriends

Sorry for being unkind.

We learned absolutely nothing from WWII.