
We are on the same page that the javelin did not suddenly veer.

Except, that is not what Ms. Cashin claims happened.


Not to my knowledge. The thing that struck me was her claim that in the javelin’s final airborne moments it “veered to the right.” Absent an incredible gust of wind this did not happen.

Mr. SFqueer made the assertion. Not I.

I’m not sure that we can assume it was a total accident. Did she mean to throw a javelin straight through the girl’s head? Very doubtful. She calls her a friend. Were they? The story is completely one-sided and told by the killer.


Ah, yes. The Cranberries. Wonderful band, and great song. Moving on, I am very much what could be considered “Irish.” That being the case I feel confident saying that we Irishes fought each other only because of English colonial conquest and oppression. Children with strict parents will often get on each others’

Yes. Convenience is not a substitute for addiction-free living.

Fun read. I like how she made herself out to be a somewhat sympathetic, secondary victim. Meanwhile, she threw a javelin through her friend’s head.

For the passenger, Uber and Lyft are better. For all non-passengers, including the side hustler, it would be better if taxi cabs reigned supreme once more.

This is exactly why the right is so scared of Biden.

Surely I would. I would do it for free too, given the opportunity. I would go down in history as having saved a town, a whole town. I’d rather have that glory than a few measly bucks.

No it’s not. He made the claim that it was false.

I have a Water Treatment Operator Class IV license and even if they offered me a million dollars, I would not take responsibility for the quality of distribution system in Flint.

Wow. Pretty rude.

Torn on Kellyanne but skewing toward “kind of don’t hate her.” She’s so strong and speaks with such force I just, it’s hard to not respect that. She uses it for evil but... that can be changed right? Plus her husband is so great on Twitter. Maybe she’s a secret agent out to get Trumpskie? One can dream.

Most ten year olds? Sure, probably not. But this one is different. This one should.

Don’t let your personal feelings about Bill Clinton cloud your understanding of his presidency. He was a great president, on par with Obama.

Absolutely wonderful. The future really is female. I just wish that her dad and her dad’s partner had not joined her. Haters will be saying that they did the climb for her.