
Prove it.

Instead of these elaborate mazes of cages and fences, why not just buy up a few of the local hotels and motels and put proper fencing/barricades around them? 

Good for you, sincerely. The first step is being honest with yourself about where you are. Then you commit to where you want to be. It’s hard work and requires discipline. Not everyone wants to do this, but everyone can do it. The problem is those who don’t want to do it will often say that for them it is not

I think I can speak for Harriet when I say that there is no honor being on the twenty dollar bill. Nobody uses cash and inflation will eventually make the bill obsolete. Her face should be on the bitcoin instead.

The tax code is broken. Too many loopholes. Hard limits enforced by the government’s monopoly on violence is the only way to make this work. Confiscation, seizure, whatever you want to call it.

If UBI ever became law the most profitable course of action would be to own liquor and convenience stores, or the equity of their merchandise. Just as tariffs get passed on to the consumer, prices of “cheap” items will rise along with the incomes of those who buy those items.

Not everyone has the genetics to look like a fitness model, but this should not stop one from getting in shape. Being “in shape” is relative to your body type. You don’t need a six pack to be in shape. You just need to be in a place where you can perform strenuous activity without injury or extreme fatigue. This takes

Maximum wage, maximum salary, and maximum liquid net worth.

Does anyone believe this? There’s a better chance that centrists in both parties form a single party than splitting for the far left or far right. 

Minimum wage is the least amount of currency with which an employer is legally allowed to compensate an employee. Easy enough.

The world was better before smartphones. Most people acknowledge that these days. Likewise, the world was better before Uber and Lyft.

Describing a data set with big words doesn’t make the data set bigger. You are not able to say that there is no link between vaccines and autism, yet you do. Why? This is exactly what I’m talking about. That question, that science, is not settled. Yet, you say it is.

No, the person I was responding to said, in different terms, that the science is settled as it relates to vaccine safety. It is absolutely not. Are there a handful of studies that make claims about vaccine safety based on limited data? Yes. Does that mean that the question of whether vaccines can contribute to the

Don’t let the door hit you where evolution split you. Good riddance, goodbye, and go to hell.

You’re trying to say “the science is settled.” It’s not. 

Can’t wait until Biden takes this idiot down.

There are legitimate, academic questions about the safety of vaccines. Pretending otherwise is ignorance.

No they didn’t. They voted for Hillary. And the media didn’t legitimize Trump. Outside of Fox News they are 100% against him at every turn. They do as much as they possibly can to discredit and subvert him. What the hell are you talking about?

Now playing

Internet commenters love to support vaccinations because it makes them feel smart. They know nothing about vaccines. They are just following the institutional trend, ie - the path of least resistance. They are intellectually coddled for doing so. “You are one of the smart ones,” they are told. “You support science.”

1) Trump wasn’t elected, he was installed.