
Right up to the end, I was half convinced that some contrived story about the Kyber crystal Jyn was wearing as a necklace somehow protecting her and Cassian from the blast (since Kyber crystals were a plot point of the movie, and were used to generate the Death Star’s beam). Right through the final sequence, I was

yeah, I’m not gonna agree with any of that. It’s some of the worst-acting on TV period, and probably the worst acting on major network TV.

I don’t get how this is an ethical issue. They got permission from Cushing’s estate, and from Carrie herself. Doing it without permission, yeah that’s an ethical issue. Doing it with, not at all.

Then don’t go to another movie. Its less noise the rest of us will have to listen to

That’s why I embargoed advanced info. It’s better that way. I did have to laugh about the mock review of new scenes from the Rogue One sequel, A New Hope! Meticulous analysis of every frame getting it wrong.

how the hell is Lucifer still on the air?

I didn’t really read a lot about Rogue One in advance, though obviously what the plot was (and in a way how it was going to end) wasn’t so much a mystery anyway. But I do laugh more along these lines about how much people want to break down every single detail of a film’s trailer... I mean, frame by frame breakdown of

Not reading this article but seriously, with that headline. If you’re learning too much about these upcoming films and movies, QUIT SEEKING THAT INFO OUT! Fer chrissakes, man. How much cooler would Rogue One have been if we didn’t have EVERYONE releasing fucking spoiler material? If we didn’t even know who the special

from Rob:

“This article is about It.”

I’m with you. Even though there is some impact from Vader in the story, there’s too much film that doesn’t directly deal with the main storyline that makes it warrant a place in the main canon.

Standing at a steep angle without any visible support makes Pennywise look like he’s doing the Smooth Criminal anti-gravity lean.

The problem is he looks like he’s not Tim Curry.

It almost looks like he ...floats.

“jarring”? lol stop.

I don’t know about you, but when I was watching Rogue One I found it incredibly disconcerting to be watching a Star Wars film that didn’t include John Williams’ triumphant opening theme of the traditional opening crawl.

Are you trying to defend underage sex? That’s...not a good hill to die on.

The Republic is a thing not a person, not ‘’their’’ but “its”.

that crawl is quite wrong in its info too....

Twitter is going to destroy us all.