
How does one determine when she’s speaking as an advocate and when she’s doing a bit. Is her whole push for more Asian representation just a joke? 

That was my thought too. How did they get out of Jedha? Was it dumb luck, or were they fast enough to get out of Dodge before Jedha was destroyed? I’d lean towards the latter, as I know if I had a brush with death, I’d find the nearest hive of scum and villainy to throw a few drinks back.

really thought this was a fun show... and they use the aliens JUST enough to where their humor won’t get old

Don’t click the link..


Most of these aren’t in the flick and you can barely make out what you see in the spoiler warning

Fully agree with everything in this comment. I was so amazed/impressed but how much better they did that in Rogue One.

I really enjoyed the movie, a great deal. The whole of it is an excellent bridge (and a solid explainer for some continuity flubs) between the originals and the prequels.

this shit is getting exhausting. We get it. You’ve had such a horrible year. So much doom and gloom. I’m sure no one famous or beloved will die in 2017. I’m sure everything will happen exactly as you want it to in 2017.

If you like things like this, then this is a thing you’ll like.

This would have been funny before Sausage Party took the concept and ran it into the ground over and over.

What a pathetic hill to die on. If they boycotted because a rapist(s) went unpunished, that would be awesome. I’d even happily accept boycotting a game because they don’t get paid. But to boycott in support of rapists?

that was an incredibly uninteresting story

I honestly don’t see the problem with this. Is entitlement and laziness now admired?

“Blind Al (Leslie Uggams) says something about our duplex we live in. I say

I’m pretty okay with not giving a guy his own movie just because he has a cool helmet.

Since when did Jalopnik become this beacon of perfection on cars that it can suddenly throw stones?

What happens when you try ? Do you get zapped by some force field ?

this is why I avoid things that get in the way such as having a family

as someone who thinks it’s fake, I’d ask - why should he name the hospital? IF it’s true, I’d have more respect for him for keeping the details private. Keep in mind, this dude didn’t go to the paper. They came to him.