
I wanna say The Sherman Expressway?

White people always the first the holler “this is America” and always “forget” this country was stolen from its indigenous peoples and built on the backs of slaves.

Beat me to it. Although mine was “Yankees Kicked Your Lily-White Racist Asses Highway”

“Surrender at Appotmattox Hwy” and “The White Flag Causeway” would also be apropos.

And here I thought my “Traitors Memorial Highway” idea was a bit excessive!


How about “Ulysses S. Grant Kicked Robert E Lee’s Ass Highway”

I think that is something that has always BUGGED me about Miley. Because I think she has real talent, but she is just always TRYING SO HARD. I get tired just looking at her.

I’ve heard a lot of well-meaning white people talk about how we should ignore the Nazis or make fun of them and I’m just shaking my head in disbelief.

Isn’t responding to hate and violence just called self-defense?

I want to shake your Papa’s hand he seems like a great man.

Cracks me up when a troll like SeanG is trying to get out of the greys. Sorry son, not gonna happen.

I will reserve judgement until the smoke clears on Monday.

I’ve heard a lot of well-meaning white people talk about how we should ignore the Nazis or make fun of them and I’m just shaking my head in disbelief.

So her lane is a parking spot at a strip mall?

No one stays the same

There is an outstanding artist by the name of Neko Case- whom Miley Cyrus seems to have taken a shit ton of “inspiration” from in this most recent release.

Now playing

Ode’s to oral sex are just not what they used to be. I still remember when laughing my ass off when called out India Arie for using his instrumental:

I feel like you read a different article. His is overarching tone is “holy crap, look at this ridiculous shit I just found,” not “I am outraged and must be appeased by blood and destruction!”

I don’t get the impression this person thinks things through or worries about consistency of their ideas.