
Just like Trump. Desperate to be a Hollywood insider. The whole crusade against the “elite” is because they were rejected and could never be insiders. And LOL at Shakespearean LA riot musical!!!!

He’s an outstanding alcoholic.

Oh, thank goodness. I came here to write this, and am glad I’m not alone in this reaction. If someone wants to figure out my astrological compatibility, they should by all means ask for the relevant information, because I want to know if a date puts stock in such things beyond occasional amusement value as soon as

Anyone who believes astrology is really is batshit insane.

All that needs to be said on the subject, right here!

I think everyone should absolutely upfront ask for this information if they want it. Because it will tell their date that they’re batshit insane. And if the date answers enthusiastically it means they’re equally insane and the chart might not be needed because they’re super compatible.

If a cop shoots a black 11-year-old, it will be argued that he looked much older and the media will call him “young man” rather than “child”. See also: when 11-year-old black girls are raped, they all looked “older than their age”.

Just once please someone name names. Like that heavy hitter agents secretary. Do more of that, not this. Because this we already know.

It’s not physically possible, and yet 65% still manage to do it.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: police union spokesmen are the worst people in America.

This !! A person of color would never have been granted parole in the first place. Our entire justice system is racist as fuck. Any honest look at the data proves that beyond all doubt. Parole boards are no exception

I’ve been posting this up and down the thread, but it needs to be said yet again.

“she was a kid being manipulated.”

Only white people are allowed to be children at 19 even if they have committed vile, violent, hideous crimes. The rest of us are lucky to still be considered kids at 11.

John Hinckley didn’t kill anyone.

I don’t really know what’s waaay worse then a home invasion and triple homicide. I also don’t know who’s been paroled after something way worse.

“people get away with much more”

You want to give some examples of people who committed the kinds of multiple murders the Manson Family did and served far shorter sentences?

