
But ironically they’re the first to accuse Obama of shitting on the constitution.

“As mayor, what I would like to discourage is assembly,” Barnette said.

I have reacted to this the same way I reacted to the first single, i.e. declared it to be a tyre fire and then immediately committed to listening to it on repeat for the next three days solid in the sure knowledge that I am going to end up accidentally loving it. I am so confused in my feelings. I am liking both posts

I thought LWYMMD was a hot mess when I first heard it but I have since listened to it approx 800 times and I love it and I am angry about that

I’m with you! I love any song where I have learned many of the words by the end. Also, I would not consider this rapping as many other commenters seem to.

She may be evil. But goddammit, she’s an evil GENIUS.

Did Trent Reznor have a garage sale? Since it sounds like she purchased his Year Zero synths.

Actually, one of the models featured is decidedly plus-sized. It’s a little weird that she appears to be the only one out of a dozen or so, but she’s there. There are two shots of her in this clip, at 39 and 44 seconds, respectively:

There was a plus size girl there if you watch closely.


You put on gym shoes or cut those g-damm nails before you get on my floor, hippie.

“Jesus was a white man, too. He was a historical figure. That’s a verifiable fact—as is Santa.”

My fantasy team of guys who have fun playing the game - this guy, Miggy, Beltre and Elvis Andrus. Hall of Fame members - Billy Ripken, Joe Hoerner and Bip Roberts.

Wish I could give a second star for the edit.

No, no, he’s still standing so it’s totes okay.

DISRESPECTING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM!?!?! HOW DARE HE oh wait, just saw what he looks like, never mind.


Old Daario is best Daario. Fight me.

I think he’s busy trying to get Pacific Rim 2 off the ground, so he might be preoccupied and they’re unwilling to wait.

I hope it does something to make other actors follow suit.