
And lets not forget that the first half of that statement was Trump expressing dismay that black people were handling his money.

Hah! Her cuteness got those nazis to spill their stupid racist guts (trying to impress her since they never get to speak to live women....only the blow up kind).

It’s no coincidence that Trump chose Munchin as the Treasury Secretary given his thoughts of Jews handling money. He once said that “The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. No one else.”

“Just landed in Bedminster”.

wow, what a hero -_-

I was at a charity committee meeting for a local domestic violence shelter when the news came in. We had a lot of fun quoting our favorite lines of hers from the trial!

The best part of the Taylor Swift verdict is that it was a countersuit, meaning HE sued HER first. He groped her and got fired, but instead of accepting the consequences of his actions, he sued her. The creep just cannot stop racking up the Ls, and I’m HERE FOR IT.

I would’ve bankrupted that piece of shit and donated all the settlement money to charity or good cause like SVAW or something. But hey, I’m petty.

I have no interest in her music but that testimony gave me the chills. So awesome!

YOU COME AT TAY-TAY, THAT’S WHAT YOU GET! Seriously, the hide of the man. He sexually assaults a woman at a work function and sues her because he lost his job for being a sleazy groper? He claims he thought he had his hand on her ribs instead of her ass? That’s not how anatomy works, fool.

If someone didn’t like her before this, her testimony should have won them over. Also, I’ve mentioned this before, but her 1983 concert was AWESOME. So much fun!!

I was neutral on Taylor Swift prior to this lawsuit. I now have a newfound respect for her. She acknowledges she has the privilege and bank account to fight. Her $1 settlement is an enormous win for all of us women who have been sexually assaulted (which sadly, is most women).

I wonder how many of those white supremacist, neo-nazis idolized and are hot for Jennifer Lawrence as the ideal woman of the master race. I hope they see her post.

She isn’t spotless, but I think she’s pretty fantastic.

Maybe she can roll you off the couch and have you join her.

In the past 1.5 years, I’ve realized that a lot of white feminists believe being women is equivalent to being a POC, and so they believe they have an understanding of racism that allows them to make it about themselves. Pantsuit Nation is actually a really good place to find them. It’s incredibly frustrating because


Your comment made my day. I’m the one that recorded this and sent it to Jez. I followed him around for three days, went to eight town halls, and I feel like I need a week to get the slime off of my soul. He’s convinced there we’re part of some conspiracy in his district that shouldn’t be taken seriously, so I love

Left a comment with a staffer for this bloated anal cyst. Said that his remarks are disgusting and abhorrent, and he should feel ashamed of himself.

George W. Bush, who I would still like to see standing trial in the Hague for war crimes, was arguably a better president. So the bar is pretty damn low.