
I hate her so much and must express that every time I see her name mentioned. Goddamn I wish she would disappear.

Eh, I have the feeling that if she used a softer word people would criticize her for living up to her prissy image.

It kind of reminds me of how people like Maduro and Erdogan can ram through bullshit referenda to expand their powers so confidently. Apart from intimidation and fraud, they also have the lemming like willingness of so many people to throw away democracy if they have an emotionally investment in the person asking them

Seriously. Like it’s up to her to hire people to keep this creep from groping her at any and every moment. Such victim-blaming.

That’s probably being done intentionally so the ass-grabber’s attorneys can’t downplay the action with softer language.

Yes. She was SPOT ON. He is to be held responsible for his own behaviour and actions. No one else is responsible for the thing you chose to do, dude. I am loving her straight up answers. And I am saddened that it came to this. No doubt it was youthful hijinx, spur of the moment, locker room, she was asking for it, she

I can’t wait to hear his explanation for why. I guarantee it’s going to be something along the lines of ‘I can’t answer that’ or ‘I just felt like it, it was an urge’. Which will instantly motivate me to get working on finding that isolated cabin I’ve been considering buying. Because humans are scary as fuck sometimes.

Her responses to that attorney were awesome. In the NY Times article, it describes this interaction:

This is the best:

THIS. You don’t just start sexually assaulting people with one of the biggest stars at the time. You start with the no ones that you can get away with it because they are too afraid to make waves. He has done this before. I am waiting to see if anyone will come forward once this is over.

Thank you! I hope this signals the end of Jezebel’s Shit on Swift Festival. I din’t see the eternally blameless Kimye donating $250,000 clams to Kesha’s legal fees.

And with that, I am now a Taylor Swift fan.

That was SO GREAT. How that shit’s attorney kept trying to make her a “hysterical” woman and she’s all nope, HE GRABBED MY ASS.

As much as I wish this wouldn’t happen to anyone I am so glad this happened to her because she has the clout and the power to fight back. If he would do it to her, how many low level just starting out artists has he done it to and they felt they didn’t have the power to fight back?

My favorite:


Yeah, I’ve never been a huge Taylor Swift fan, but that is a topnotch, A+ answer to a bullshit question. I mean, I’m sure she was prepped for this, but I’d be hard pressed not to stand up and cheer in the courtroom if I’d heard any of these answers in person.

That reply was great. Fuck that guy.

Mueller’s lawyer M. Gabriel McFarland asked Swift whether she was “critical” of her then bodyguard, Greg Dent, for not intervening. Swift responded, “No, I am critical of your client for sticking his hand under my skirt and grabbing my bare ass.”