
This is a bunch of libturd cuck nonsense. There is no division within the Trump administration. Everyone is singularly focused on Making America Great again, and the fakenews PC narrative can’t handle it. Look, here Kushner (left) and Bannon (guess) are at a recent #MAGA rally, does this look like a sign of

Unfortunately, women are not immune to stupidity.

Women who like to convince themselves that this would never happen to them because reasons.

He must have felt women less biologically suited to walking on sidewalks

Sexism is a helluva drug.

What’s amazing to me is how many people (primarily women, which I cannot understand) over on Facebook are blaming the female victim for this! They’re saying she clearly tried to trip him, when it’s very obvious that her leg swung out only because she was being violently pushed to the ground. Like, they refuse to see

Aside from being a giant, dangerous asshole, she’s clearly moving off to the side in the video. It appears he then adjusts to her new path and shoves her off.

Sidewalk etiquette? Dude has plenty of room, as mentioned. Also she’s walking on an angle to give him more room. As a frequently disgruntled jogger who wishes the world would put more effort into sidewalk etiquette, I feel pretty confident he just wanted to push a woman in front of a bus.

oh, and if you could bleach your skin we might have some scholarship money on the lacrosse team.

I feel strongly that Disney World should designate one day a week in each park as “adults only” day. It would rotate, so for example, on Monday Epcot would be kid-free. Then Tuesday might be Animal Kingdom, and so on and so forth. Families with kids could hit up one of the other parks that day, and adults could enjoy

As I get older, I return to the beloved books of my childhood and realize just how much the charming intellectual fathers fucked up life for their daughters by being irresponsible (looking at you, Chaplain March).

My dad was a huge cheapskate when I was growing up so I never made it to Disneyland and Disney World until I was 15 and 21 respectively. (He paid for neither experience for me.) I thought both experiences were overpriced and sensory overload. I vowed never to return. Yeah I begged my parents as a kid, and now I’m glad

I’m sorry but her face looks like a Bratz doll and it’s very upsetting. I have sympathy for her, having to grow up and face those awkward tween years on camera against her will. But she keeps choosing to be on television and have work done to her face.

What’s more “normal” than agreeing to be in a scripted reality television show? She just doesn’t want the attention, can she be any more clear!

By normal she means, “ I want people to respect me like they respect people who have skills, (singers and actresses) without actually having to have a skill.”

If she wants so badly to be “normal” she could simply stop participating in the reality show, quit getting lip injections, and wear clothes that cover her body. Then get a “normal” job, and so on.

I like this version a lot too. The portrayal of the entire Bennett family was much kinder and more accurate to the book, IMO. Other film versions tend to portray Mrs. Bennett so harshly, i.e. as a gold digger. I also appreciated the greater focus on the relationship between Elizabeth and Ms. Lucas. That’s been sorely

I agree. After the Elhe/Firth BBC version I think it’s the next best. I really do like that everything isn’t as squeaky clean as is usually portrayed.

Same. I am here for all the P&Ps anyone wants to throw together, but I bailed on Poldark halfway through the first season.

I feel like we’re in a house with white carpeting. Mandatory to take off your shoes but you’re insecure about potential food odor. You don’t wanna break anything but everyone wants you to do that dance you used to do for their amusement.