
Not trying to get all up in your business, but that’s a lot of red flags.

I wrote on Deadspin that at minimum, it looks like the accidents you see when the elderly person thinks they are about to hit the brakes, but slam down on the accelerator and crash through a store.

There was one in particular, I can’t remember who. But they were aggressively adamant that Venus killed the man because she ran a red light and everything in the initial police report supported that.

I have to wonder if Barson drove that road a lot and knew how short the crossing light was and so was anticipating getting the green and thus not slowing down. Based on her speed I’m willing to bet that this isn’t the first time she pulled that stunt either, it’s just the first time there were consequences.

“A green light give you permission to go, not an absolute right.”
-my Drivers Ed instructor

She’s a black person. One with the audacity to be successful in business and sports. Who is also outspoken instead of properly “humble”.

Yeah that’s all reasonable. Except one fucking detail:

Well, what changed was the automatic assumption that Venus was at fault which you assumed with nothing more available than Bronson t-boned Venus’s car and a blabbermouth pig. That she had to yield the right of way to an asshat who was making a left turn (and as such should have been the one to yield) explains the

My SO, who is not black, recently got into an accident with a pair of black men for which he was at fault. The responding officer, who was white, asked the black men if they had “anything they wanted to tell him about before he ran their licenses,” but he didn’t ask SO—who was the one at fault, let me remind you—the

My brother considered becoming an Uber driver for one hot minute, and I wanted so badly to tell him not to do it but sometimes you just can’t question another person’s hustle. Instead I planned to buy him a dash cam, but my mother beat me to it.

There is a clearly defined empathy gap when it comes to black people.

It was never the insurance; it was always the police who had opened their big fat bigoted traps to the media claiming that Venus was at fault.

I mean it is still a joke, just at the expense of a dead person.

That was the police report faulting Venus.

I, too, would like to know why the rush to judgement placed her at fault immediately before all evidence was gathered.

Not a lawyer or traffic expert, but I do wonder if the second car truly entered the intersection lawfully. Every other car at that intersection was stopped, and then one car comes flying in. Either they were coming through the intersection at full speed and just happened to cross the line as the light turned green, or

I’m shocked the police quickly announced she was at fault until video evidence was released showing she wasn’t...

But they didn’t enter it lawfully. In most states, after a light changes green, the intersection has to be clear of traffic before it can be legally entered.

Every black person who drives without having a multiview dash cam is taking a risk.

I blame the government. Who expects old white people in Florida to comprehend intersectionality?