
rotary phones

“Zaddy” sounds like slang from the early 20th century. “Zooks, Zaddy, it’s 23-skidoo for us and your zoot suit!”

I really hope we’re able print out the entire internet and put it in a vault so one day the aliens can fully grasp how much we deserved our demise.

Judge Kara is in session! Shade Court has returned!!!

She’s in juvenile court, where judges have a reputation for being lenient. And she’d look awful in front of a jury.

I heard someone make the argument that, had she directed him to kill someone else, she’d be liable for the death that resulted. From a logical standpoint, then, if the person she directed him to kill was himself, wouldn’t she be legally liable for the death as well?

Very generally speaking, a psychopath doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong. A sociopath knows the difference but doesn’t care. She’s a sociopath.

Yeah... she super should be, though. If she had repeatedly told him—in detail!—to kill someone else, and he did, I would hope she’d be legally culpable. You can’t instruct people to kill people. I include one’s self as a person. I’m okay with drawing that line.

I think it’s kind of like the whole yelling fire in crowded theater scenario. In both cases the person saying things didn’t actively injure or kill anyone but in both scenarios the things were said knowing there would be dire consequences. She very much said those things with the intention to cause harm and break a

You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.

She wasn’t “jeering” him, and she wasn’t just telling him to kill himself in a hateful manner (which, don’t get me wrong, is still awful).

Its the same as if she was at a murder, and yelled STAB HIM MORE! If people get arrested and convicted of being accessories for being in the room with a murder happening, then she is just as culpable.

It is unique honestly, I agree. They are the generation raised on talking to each other via a screen....no real interaction. I hate to sound old, but they need to know this is unacceptable, and it’s not how humans treat each other.

I thought she was tried in juvenile court?

Her and Dani Mathers are just a one-two punch of awfulness on this fine Friday.

If you read even half of the text transcripts, you realize what a sick fuck she is. A healthy human being with any empathy would never behave this way, and I won’t accept, “she was a teenager”... “They are selfish” or stupid or whatever... I remember being a teenager and I could have never done anything like this.

to me she looks more like if Helena Bonham Carter met Zooey Deschanel and had a love child...oooo wait that’s just describing Cara Delevigne again

I may get flak for this, but every damn time her picture comes up she has the look of someone who knew EXACTLY what she was doing and is now guilty and scared only because she got caught.

Judge left out Twitter and Instagram. Get to it!

I am curious as to what her sentencing will be as a white female in juvenile court for this particular crime..