
You know, it’s funny that when Bush was massively unpopular you had to respect the office. When Obama was in office, he was a criminal-Muslim-traitor who wanted to kill grandma. Now that Republicans are back it’s time to start respecting the office again.

And I would not be surprised if this idiot disrespected Barack Obama because he was black or a Democrat or whatever.

There is a reason that in The Emperor’s New Clothes it is a kid that points out that the Emperor is naked. Children are very good at seeing past all the superficial bullshit that adults think is important. They can see that under the fancy suit and ten tons of self-importance, Paul Ryan is just a spineless little

Same. What I liked best about this is that some of them went against their parents, which gives me hope because 1) it shows teenagers seek out news outside of what their parents read/watch/parrot at home, 2) they’re forming their own opinions on what they want for their country and 3) they feel like taking a stand for

Ermagerd. It flings its arms up!

And people on FB are still bitching about the “snowflakes” at Notre Dame.

I think respectfully disagree hits the nail on the head. I don’t necessarily think quietly refusing to pose or walking out of a speech is disrespectful.

Was this supposed to be a comment in support?

I don’t want to be perpetuate the New Jersey-mafia stereotype, but I’m glad there’s a good number of these kids that can smell a rat

Now playing

“I don’t want to be associated with a man who puts his party before his country.”

Those are some good eggs.

Oh man, I saw a reality, or perhaps “reality”, show where they were doing a spouse/race swap thing, and after living a day with black people wanted to read a poem she had written about love and understanding and how she’d solved racism across races to everyone, and without even thinking referred to the group as

That one made me side eye, and then the “good hair” comment...

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that did a sharp turn at that.

I have mixed kids, they have good hair

Women of color are beautiful creatures with extensions or letting it natural

Well, he’s not a Trump. He’s Kushner. And Kushners certainly do go to prison.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Oh wait, yeah that’s what they’re going with.

I wish. Prison is unlikely for any trumps. At most we can hope to extract them from Washington like the fat bloated ticks they are.

I put this up on the fusion article about Koosh, but wanted to post it to the Slot as well, because this is my favorite site on the internet.