You can always tell the people who picked up their Looney Tunes fandom from boardwalk t-shirts circa 1995.
You can always tell the people who picked up their Looney Tunes fandom from boardwalk t-shirts circa 1995.
I agree that the score should be Split.
C’mon man...that’s not a real email. It’s too good. This is a perfectly crafted joke.
Subject: You’re a pee drinking moron.
Well, maybe if you had put a little more effort into winning the Revolutionary War, this wouldn’t have happened, old chap.
That dude in the header image has definitely gotten into multiple fights at slow-pitch softball tournaments.
Can’t win the ass lottery if you don’t buy an ass ticket.
I miss the hell out of blogs, and I have no idea how we get that back.
What’s the best Reese’s Peanut Butter seasonal shape?
Mütter Museum
Turn Out The Lights, Rainbow, Big Fish Theory
King Krule, SZA, Japanese Breakfast, and Kendrick in some order
Is magic cool?
A couple of weeks ago, despite their party controlling the entire legislative pipeline, the Republicans’ effort to…
Worst Foodspin article ever. Not one recipe for dog.
You’re assuming they’ll have an actual championship window 2-3 years from now. That’s nuts! Isaiah is 28; Horford is 30. In two or three years they’ll both be washed up.
Shaqtivate the Death Ray
Where was the article expressing the outrage of Obama playing 333 rounds during his tenure? Liberal hacks...
Talking up a sub .500 team by mentioning another sub .500 team’s win streak. This is sad kinja.