
Right?!? Seriously wtf here guys. This new feature could turn out to be really cool, but by kicking it off with a freaking nazi lackey French traitor, well, it’s going to be hard to dig themselves out of this hole. Also, the last line saying “she DESERVED to die doing something she loved (, driving cars).” NO! NO SHE

I take strong offense to your videos last point. In no way at all do I think the “Gestapo’s Hyena” deserved to die doing something she loved (, driving fast). I mean cool that she was a racecar driver, badass, and it sucks age was treated so horrifically for her sexual identity. However, all that goes out the door

If only it was a clown shoe though right?! Legitttttt as all hell they are!

If only it was a clown shoe! Those little coupes are legit as hell! Drive one if you ever get a chance. One of the best BMWs of all time my opinion. Even more so if it has the s54 over the earlier models s52. But even the s52 equipped models are crazy amounts of fun and have more than enough power.

Yuuuuuuup! The prowler is now officially dope and a appreciating soon to be classic!

Hehehe gross

Hehehe ewwwwwwww hehehe but oh so awesome. What a horrible fucking year for musical geniuses. 2017 better be the year of the dying evil dictator/CEO/President/PM/insert entitled douchebag that ruined countless lives in order to line their pockets with more money they can’t spend. Seriously, this year better not see a

I’m really not understanding your pretty high level of hatred for another man’s car collection??? You’re coming off as petty and jealous because it seems you think his personal collection of cars,v that he paid for after working harder than either of us, is wrong. It is HIS collection paid for with HIS money dude.

Totally. Yeah, you’re right. Let’s just open up the Pandora’s box of nuclear weapons on the world. Hopefully it will lead to all out aniliation within ten years! That’s where you’re going with your idea, right? Worldwide Armageddon?

Yassssssssss!!! I freaking LOVE t tops! I heard the problem with them back in the day was they leaked a lot as the seals would go bad, but I imagine old school targas probably had similar leakage problems. The new targas have fixed that problem just as I’m sure if they redid the t tops they could make a new ish design

I freaking love the these newer targas! If I was in the position to be able to buy a new/newish 911, I would for sure pick a targa. I’m not a fan of convertibles on pretty much any car. There are a few i wouldn’t mind driving, but not owning. The targa just hits that perfect sweet spot where a sunroof is too small,

I was thinking the same thing.... The body might not look new, but the numbers that engine is putting out seem to be pretty damn close to what it was doing straight off the line. That’s a damn good engine.


Ha, cute :)

Seriously? Because the second we utilize nukes tactically will be the second that preceded the normalized usage of tactical nuclear weapons. Right now there is a world wide agreement to never use nuclear weapons, and for good reason. As soon as that line is crossed, no matter the reason and/or enemy, the normalization

Classic case of “More Money Than Skill” or “When your budget exceeds your ability”... Syndrome.

Last manufactured in the 1960's... That alone is crazy considering how many are still in use... But holy fucking shit, they are expected to continue to be operable until the 2040's!!! That is insane to consider, the US designed a military aircraft in the 1950's that will be used in active military operations for damn


Running free on that farm your parents took your dog, hamster, and rabbit to because they couldn’t stop shitting on your mom’s favorite rug. You know... There... ;(

Ha, guess I should’ve read your reply before I made mine... Like seriously, how could that be a bad thing?!?