
Interesting. Guess Univision is bout maximizing that revenue. I’m curious what change #2 will be.

Ya.... that’s why you tell the evil one your one condition is she has to be paid in advance. Say how thankful you are because you can now afford the fancy wedding you dreamed of. To really sell it, ask here advice on new venues and where she thinks she should surprise her hubby with for the new honeymoon. Once you

Take the money... Duhhhh!

I sort of would do the same, although I am a man. Hell, for ten grand I’d dress up as the maid of honor.

Interesting. Thanks.

Hm... that was the thing for me, some of it was sooooooooo good, definitely thanks to the cast as you said, but then there were parts that were just sooooooooo freaking slow... I was really sad when Danny died, I kept hoping to hear him start pounding on the trunk :(

Right?!? Like “yeeaaaaaaaah Trump, here’s the thumbs up, you know, the signal, the one for we’re distracting her parents so she’s all yours”

That is exactly what I was thinking... like oh! Must be nice, just the tiny section of your house that’s visible is worth more than my house. And her furniture in the shot is probably worth more than all the furnishings in mine... ha, jerk ;(

Hahaha Lance Bass only has 84 likes, even I get more than that sometimes. Hell, even Courtney Love beat him. Not sure why, but this is making me laugh more than it should...

I forced myself to watch the first season. After all it got 5 stars! It has to be good, right?? Then I watched first couple episodes of season 2, cuz it MUST get better, after all, it got 5 stars, RIGHT!?!??!! Wrong. Fuckers lied to me. This is the show that taught me Netflix artificially inflates their shows ratings

Haha me too!

Seriously, right? I used to put my life out there for anyone and everyone without a care in the world. And then I got divorced... and when I starting going out again and running into old friends/acquaintances half of them knew my personal business and would bring it up with no prompts from me. It drove me freaking

Haha, very well said. Had this guy been in AJs corner this whole situation might never have happened!

Me too! Does this person seriously not understand why a lawyer is there and what his job is during the interview?!? And it’s definitely great that they are insulting anyone that disagrees with them about a lawyer being rude...

Ah! That makes sense. I got that tone from it, but didn’t know that term is clearly associated with alt right fuckos. Thanks for pointing this out so I will be able to spot them easier in the future.

Some potential customers that only have them as a possible internet provider. They lost exactly 0 customers because of this. Even though I’m sure some people will probably use it as an excuse to get out of their shitty service, ha

My thought is they are doing it to save a little money. Player endorsements are most powerful in the beginning when they are new to the product. So they got some good use out of him, all of this happened, and now they can terminate the relationship and save a bunch of money after they already got the usage out of him

Bye Felicia

Um.... no. Your post shows a level of obliviousness that is honestly incomprehensible though! So I mean, you’ve got that going for ya bud!

I mean, I guess? I’m good on all that, but you do you homie