
I’m so glad you’re here then! Reading and commenting on their articles makes so much sense it hurts!

Heh heh. Word.

Ya... I’m confused with the purpose here, especially since they didn’t bring it to like a Ferrari certified mechanic and get an itemized list of repairs or something

My seats in my 06 Infiniti DD with 110k miles look like they should be the ones in the Ferrari ... Holy hell! How do you let a motherfuckin Ferrari get like that?!?!

He definitely didn’t need to do anything above carpet, paint, and furnishings.

I get what you’re saying because of he over spent by that much on the office, then where else did he over spend ? The problem I have with it, $5000 is a very small amount for new office furnishings. A slightly above average chair and desk are that much. I took over approvals of new office furniture at work and in the

Not really, but I like your style. One thing though, do you think they’ll ever make it over to Nintendo to save the miiverse? Because that would be fantastic.

Because nobody likes me :(

Damn. The NCAA is really taking their broadcasting rights serious. Poor guy. Maybe the players can pool together some funds for a severance package with the money they earn from this game.

Bill is a Communist. Jim is his area’s grand wizard.

Wrong again. Their, they’re little guy, it’ll be ok.

Jinkeys! It all makes sense now. Jim is slippier than an eel in a passion lubes natural water based lubricant 55 gallon drum. Jim uses the sex lubricant to slide under doors. Once inside, Jim gets to work on his photography. Jim and jared share a Dropbox account to secretly show off their “artistic photography”. Jim

One day you’ll actually do it and their faces/reactions will be priceless!

Whoaaaaaa there! Even Jim is not THAT bad! ... Or is he? Too bad Jim is not Sherlock Holmes, cuz I’d totally hire him to find out the truth in that mystery?

Pretty sure that’s the ONLY reason to create an account... kind of like what I’m doing to one of the guys in this thread... they just make it so easy and so damn fun!

You’d think, but not necessarily. All sorts of reasons could exist that lead to someone sharing a residence with as person they despise. Just because you would not doesn’t mean that is true for everyone.... just saying....

Heh heh heh. Nice! And don’t forget the boondocks! Watching that TOTALLY means I’m not racist!

Unless they say they’re not. Then they’re a racist! ;) Jussssssttttt kidding, well sort of...


Jim is actually bubba Clem the shock jock. He created the persona complete with radio show in order to secure a wife. Jim made sure Hulk Hogan approved of her in order to seduce him into seducing his wife on camera before sending it to Aj. AJ greyed him on gawker.com and this was Jim’s long con revenge to get back at