
“Fans Who Just Don’t Fucking Get It.”

You missed the point so badly I just...I don’t know. I want to hug your parents and write them a cheque and tell them I’m sure they did their best, you know?

You missed the point so badly I just...I don’t know. I want to hug your parents and write them a cheque and tell them I’m sure they did their best, you know?

“The article you took that quote from has nothing to do with predicting anything.”

Except for the very clear prediction that Novak quoted, which even includes the word “prediction”

In his own words, they don’t make predictions.

Honestly, I think Silver getting burned so badly by his predictions re: trump during the primary has made him super-cautious—and perhaps overcorrect—about trump’s chances in the general.

Careful there. Folks in Wisconsin really dig Good Charlotte.

Also, those are pretty good seats.

Way to celebrate life by using Coke. Supporting drug lords, prostitution, great kid. Way to overcome adversity. Yay. Oh, and I’m liberal.

This is very impressive.... it’s hard to “out-racist” a team nicknamed the Indians.

See now at first I was like ‘oh maybe this is the second time they’ve played against each other and since they beat them the first time this would be part 2'

Ummmmm....I learned it from you dad!

They are racist, not stupid.

They don’t even know what chili is, so this does not surprise me.

I would say the history teachers cringed, but odds are they are coaches, hired to coach and saddled with academic duties.

I think an appropriate punishment would be to force these people to continue to live in rural southern Ohio.

Professional designer here. Current situation:

It’s nowhere near the email and excel demographic.

Which features, specifically, and how do they benefit enterprise users?

I’m not a professional artist, but I’m a business user. I’m not sure what that says about Microsoft’s product strategy, but professional artists is a significantly smaller target demo than business users.