
This isn’t the Democratic Party. He doesn’t get to keep his job forever despite his incompetence solely because he is a nigger.

Missed all of your comments on accused sexual abuser Bill Clinton during the past campaign? He’s the spouse of a political figure of note as is KJ.

A big dick up their ass on Chanukkah?

No, it’s the Jewest.

Lying lesbian.

Google doesn’t “Guess” anything. They know what you are doing and where you are and what you are thinking at all times.

lying jewfaggot

Hannah, you vile jew-whore, can it be a mystery why you lost the election?

Subtitled “Nigger Pleads”

You couldn’t think yourself out of a wet paper bag, negress.

This is IMF money, not charities.

did the same

Dude in the video is not shy to find out.

Dear God Jewess, your notion of the @dril tweet suggests you were lobotomized at birth.

Fixing games in the interest of conference post-season money is a time-honored tradition in the South.

Also had just verbally (at least) abused his pregnant girlfriend.

But the only one who will win will drop her Goldwater Girl bona fides and tell any lie she can think of for cash.

Not their land, at all, lying Jew.

give it a rest, jewfaggot.

Glad to see the faggots in India came up with a better lifestyle than being truck drivers and getting AIDS at truck stops.