
So vote for the Republican this time, and next time we’ll present you with the perfect Democratic candidate!

And the choice in Omaha is between a Democrat and Republican who while both labeled “pro-life” probably have different ideas on if abortions should be restricted and disagree on everything else.

And this isn’t one of those times. This is a mayoral race between a “pro-life” Republican and a “pro-life” Democrat in a state that is socially conservative.

Women, and all people really should definitely vote for Mello’s opponent!

and right NOW Mello is running against a Republican who is far worse. So, who should the people of Omaha vote for?

Then enjoy your republican leaders, I guess.

Where exactly is the data showing that Sanders supporters that voted in the primaries didn’t show up and vote in the general?

You’re talking about two very different situations- Minor ideological differences in the democratic primary where the two candidates, by and large, agreed on most things and a general election where the two candidates disagree on most things and agree on one thing to a degree.

And if his support is the difference between having a pro-life democrat vs. a pro-life republican making decisions you still think he shouldn’t do it?

So of the two, I guess vote for the republican instead. she’s probably pro-choice anyway. nbd tbqh.

So of the two, I guess vote for the republican instead. They’re probably pro-choice anyway. nbd tbqh.

Not like Hillary kept running after BHO had the nomination locked up, because who knows what could happen? (*cough cough* Bobby Kennedy)

So in this election you’d vote for the Republican?

The win the democrats need is at all levels of government from the local to the federal level.

In the choice between a “pro-life” Republican and a “pro-life” Democrat who do you choose?

But he is?

Unless I’m mistaken he did recently just introduce legislation for a medicare for all system

He may not have gotten as many total votes, but he may have gotten more votes where it actually mattered.

The DNC should definitely keep doing what it’s doing. Maybe they can lose another billion seats in local, state, and federal positions.