
God damn, I missed out on so much fucking fun by skipping college...


oh, cool electric car bro.

I’ll be over here destroying the planet.

Vtec just kicked in, yo.

He’s not wrong.

There was a good chance Jones could be in Jail for the next 5 years and that “Championship” belt would be all the “UFC” “Had” “Left”

GSP can literally fit in Jones’ back pocket.

Hell, GSP would probably be the first person in the world to dispute this statement.

I love gender equality!


Sorry, I spent 63$ on a Hamilton Beach blender for you and drove all the way to Secaucus for this shit, I’m well within my rights to bitch and moan the entire time.

Just let people spend their money and hike however they like. Nobody is saying you can’t still be the elitist minimalist hiker on the trail that scoffs at everyone you cross paths with, just realize that hiking is a very individual task, everyone is allowed to do it their own way.



You can’t argue that someones chosen sweeping generalization is less factual because it doesn’t jive with your chosen sweeping generalization

Thats not an argument, that’s just yelling at a brick wall.

She ran through 7 movies worth of residuals in 2 years?!

Someone needs to get this kid a financial manager, not a lawyer.

Wait, black people were actually pissed off that they couldn’t join the cult?


Also, the bonus effects of training at altitude wear off after around 8 days back at sea level, so don’t go around telling everyone you’re superman because you hiked up Pike’s Peak last August...

Is Valve Software cool with you guys tracing & repurposing their IP for a story image?

The only people diesel cars help are the people who are driving them. Did everyone really think they were saving the environment by buying a TDI?

See, they make labour in India look all horrible and mass produced... These guys are craftsmen, this is art, impressive stuff.

Hey man, it’s popular to be a bear these days. Just own it!