
You haven’t heard of Wesley Willis?

Your loss.

Gawker, putting the wrong person on blast and then doing a shitty job correcting it.

Est. 2003.

god, what a lame kid.

If you want to know why bullies exist, it’s cause of the kid that was crying about the bears.

Suck it Serena.

She must have forgotten to sprinkle her HGH on her cheerios that morning...

So she’s pissed that she agreed to take a supporting role in a film, not realizing for years that it was only a supporting role?

In order for feminism to work, does every single thing have to be run by a woman?

yay! ‘equality’!

Alright, so the middle easterners have been taken care of, now what about ‘Darnell Lugnut’ the black mechanic from compton?

Yes, literally everything is better in Colorado.


Oh man, the republicans are going to have a fucking field day with this.

There is only room for one car show on TV, and that show is Top Gear (or whatever it will be called)

Just so you know, they don’t slap their logos on videos, you as the paying customer have to specifically choose to bookend your video with their branding if you use their video editing software.

You can also just not bookend your video, that’s what I do.

My favourite is that the majority of these vegans and animal rights activists all have dogs or cats or other pets and as a result feed them ground up animals every single day without batting an eye.

Listen people, make your own decisions eat meat, don’t eat meat, just realize that you don’t have any right to tell other

I can’t even imagine how important video games would become to me if I started to lose the ability to use one of my limbs.

Life will always find a way to Masturbate and game.

Oh, and survive.

Awww, Muffin top...

5’2 - 133 is pretty chunky

No, sorry. We can’t agree.

I don’t see a single thing wrong with hunting for your own meat as long as you adhere to all the laws and guidelines that exist in your area.

Work to Ban slaughterhouses, farms and processing plants, then come talk to me about individual tax paying citizen’s right to pay money to hunt for

Now playing

Wes, seriously man, why would you ever agree to do this?

I understand publicity, but this is like going to a church and trying to politely and calmly explain to them why their magic vindictive space god couldn’t exist.

See how much more calm and reasonable the after show part was? When it’s not all about people trying

Remember back in the day when if you wanted to climb a mountain you had to be a mountaineer?

Now any asian tourist with a REI membership can summit Whitney.


But don’t worry guys,


UPDATE: They just changed their sign...

Womens Wash/Cut/Dry: $750