
Thanks Gawker, now I realize that I’m strangely attracted to hand drawings of female robots.

Luckily it’s 2015 and there is more than likely a PornHub category for that.

I may be biased because I love hiking more than just about anything else, but this is probably the best ‘action sport’ photo I’ve ever seen.

Great piece, now if you excuse me, I’m going to plan my next climb.

Wait, she cooks?

You should take that as a warning sign if you aren’t really into the dude!

As a guy, if I feel like things are going really well, sometimes I will want to pay to put a cherry on top of everything and get out of the place quick.

If I know I’ve said/done enough to get sex, I’ll offer to pick up the whole bill but I won’t

If you were black, you’d be dead right now.

I hope people keep p-phubbing, means more hot 20-somthings on tinder for me to devour. One. By. One.


This show is so underrated, I’m so glad they haven’t tried to put it on a bigger network, therefore killing it.

Just an FYI, your wife is still sleeping with this guy.

Life, imitating Battlefield 4...


Heavy. As. Fuck.

My friend is a chef and he has Kramer knives and literally goes everywhere with them in a roll.

Many of these custom knives are so expensive that they even price themselves out of the ‘more money than brains’ market.

I’ve used them, they are freaking fantastic. That said, I don’t use them for long as one wrong move and


What, was google images down that day or something?

I wonder if this will work on humans...

Can anybody get me this guy’s number?



More like:

well, fuck.

The Crosstrek just feels like an Outback that has been left in the dryer for too long. I’m a normal sized person and I could barely fit in it comfortably at 6 feet tall.

I really wanted to like this car, but I had to go with the soccer mom mobile (Forester)