I would not play pool for money against her.
I would not play pool for money against her.
Not super familiar with them. Do they protect people from factual statements as well as false ones?
Meh, not good enough. We’re in the age of naming names...I assume if they were already named by others, she’d join the gathering throng to name them...so these must be ones we haven’t heard much about yet. Why tease like this, then? Something bad happened to you, that’s awful and you have our impotent sympathy...but…
Now whenever mean internet people type DIAF at me, I’m just going to imagine they’re telling me to dance in a fire.
Ooooh, maiiiiii.
Trump fans of Kimmel
Funny how the only* race of people who takes a liking to domestic animals (in that intimate sort of way)
There’s still a chance he might be declared a terrorist...I’m mighty suspicious of that scraggly little beard he’s got in some pictures.
Yeah, a lot of these articles about google results lately seem to miss out on the way that search results function—is google’s algorithm supposed to filter for popularity or accuracy of information. And if you google Devin Kelly antifa, you get a few results saying ‘yes, he was antifa’ and you get a lot more of…
When I think of him at all, it’s of that time he wiped out on the motor cycle in that music video. I always loved that.
Shooter is dead, I believe. I mean, we could send his corpse to Gitmo, if that would make you feel better.
Right. Fixing a water main break is a pretty discreet event a wealthy county can deal with rapidly. Replacing lead service lines to thousands of addresses is a huge task for a broke city. That being said, it is absolutely outrageous that years—years—after the problems with Flint’s water system were identified, they…
It’s kind of ironic then, your user name. Bertolt Brecht was a bit of a womanizer, taking advantage of women sexually, professionally and creatively.
I know, right. Is there a more equivocal word than unequivocally?
“A clique” of piggish Hollywood males. Clicks are what you get paid for.
The Olympics bomber is generally considered a terrorist too, motivated by anti abortion sentiments. But the one who shot up the Colorado abortion clinic isn’t called a terrorist with nearly as much consensus, which I don’t really understand, because he seems pretty closely linked to an ideology.
I was frustrated with that too. It’s like, hey Will, can you maybe try and scale this all down a bit so we can, you know, look at it spread out on the kitchen table? This map you’re making is super impractical.
His eyes are too close together.
I’m still having trouble with the fact that one of the few people on the planet who has experience with extra-dimensional monsters doesn’t recognize one when it shows up in his garbage can.