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I’m interested in basic income programs, and I always like to see them explored and tried out. Also, this guy reminds me of “He’s the Mayor”

I bet Betty was thicc tho.

Needs more David Allen Coe.

Calling Dan Harmon alt-right is like calling Tarik Nasheed a white nationalist. But his oeuvre does have a nihilistic, counter-cultural thread running through it that is appealing to edgy fuckbois and other internet shit lords who, at the moment, occupy the counter-culture. 

I knew the names of all of these songs. They’re all Sandstorm, by Darude.

You know, he never specifies that he’s talking to a female. And he wants them to ‘feel him on the (down?) low.’ Did Tariq just come out?

I can’t wait to play as a white Wakandan when they make a Black Panther game.

I haven’t heard anyone use ‘sold down the river’ in a coon’s age.

All three books were released over an 8 month period in 2014. I find it hard to believe that the screenplay was written that rapidly after the release of the first novel. That being said, having read all three, I didn’t particularly picture the character as Asian...as in, it didn’t matter to the story much at all.

I do like the artist that did Michelle’s, and when you see a bunch of her work together it is striking and you get a sense of an over-arching vision. The clothes are foregrounded, and the figures are sort of washed out and muted—but they reward closer inspection with a lot of livelieness and personality that you

Consistently and thoroughly.

It’s not so much that they turned Peter Rabbit into an insufferable dick; they turned him into James Corden, which is essentially the same thing.

You ever notice the way white people be skating like skrrrt-skrrrt-skrrrt-skrrrt, and Black people be skating like bah-swoop, bah-swoop, bah-swoop?  

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal

1.) Treat me equally. ACTUALLY equally, not fake equally.

Well, you can stop “feeling sick” since Tarantino had nothing to do with that movie.

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Michael Harriot is like Shakka-Ahmose, but without the voice of an angel and the fire beats.

I don’t know about that. I saw a lot of noble, melanin-enriched faces celebrating in that convenience store video above. It’s almost like this behavior, and media descriptions of it, are tied to sports fandom, and not race.

Some one should re-edit that and plunk in a couple frames of Logan Paul’s suicide forest friend.