Hayes’s car was hit moments before the fender-bender that precipitated the shooting, and that Hayes was pursuing the driver of that vehicle.
Hayes’s car was hit moments before the fender-bender that precipitated the shooting, and that Hayes was pursuing the driver of that vehicle.
I guess a video of me getting a haircut would be somewhat entertaining when the barber makes a vaguely racist joke and I laugh akwardly because I don’t want to upset the guy who has the power to make me look like a dingus for the next 3 weeks.
Austin should be far, far lower. Yeah, SXSW is nice and all, but it’s a shitty town full of 35-year-old hipsters who still think they’re in college.
I suspect that this answers your question from earlier today, Ms. Moskovitz; the local media probably knew nothing was going to happen anyhow.
The 0-3 Cardinals have struck out a combined 37 times in their three losses.
If you’re the kind of jerkass who is constantly looking for reasons to slag women’s college basketball, you could point to UConn’s wire-to-wire dominance as a sign that the sport is stale and boring.
“I don’t want to go in and tell my pitchers, ‘Just throw it and hit him in the back,’...
“I did believe him, Dan, because I felt that if in any way he sensed I didn’t believe him, he’d have beaten the shit out of me, even though I’m not a woman.”
there are situations, inside that situation, where it has nothing to do with the situation
I know. It’s about my next door neighbor.
I wonder what a backyard barbecue with these two guys and their families would be like. The unstable, yet powerful patriarchs, everyone hoping they don’t drink too much and make little cousin Billy do the Rockettes dance for them again. “Higher Billy! Kick higher!”
I think the cold meds are kicking in because I have no idea what I just read. This is about a guy who just ruined his writing career by calling out some big names and emailing everyone his complaints? Is that it?
“His charges were definitely more engaged and motivated last night as compared to last week’s debacle against this same Guatemalan team, and while not practicing the Guardiola-esque possession-based game he so often promised to implement, you could see in his tactics the kind of high pressing game that is even more…
I strongly disagree with basically everything you’ve just said.
If you think he’s inconsequential, just imagine what he thinks about you.
Makes perfect sense that he would retire because he’s concerned about his Abdullah oblongata.
Some people, when they are deeply concerned, start to cry. I’d hate to see that.