
On a wing and a prayer, am I right???

Consider which side of the aisle has the fans more likely to say “stick to sports” and then come back with a new theory.

It’s not Schefter’s place to think. He was made to shill—there is no other option.

Makes sense he would go with the position that has the biggest glove.

It’s going to take less than three years before this guy is doing this all by himself, staring at a series of text messages from friends that are all turning down his pleas to rage.

“The Sacramento Kings came in for even more derisive laughter than the baseline occasioned by any mention of their existence yesterday when ESPN’s Chad Ford posted the following in the little quasi-Twitter scroll thing on the right side of the Worldwide Leader’s busted website”

Darren Rovell’s nose just dripped blood onto his phone’s screen.

You go on being mad about a situation you don’t give two shits about. “The fucking nerve...” You’re small.

Oh okay, I was wondering just what was making you bitter. You definitely hadn’t mentioned it a dozen times already.

Arguing that he should play for the team over himself implies that there’s a) a difference between the two other than your perception of it and b) a benefit to him playing how you prefer him to play.

Stockholm Syndrome doesn’t produce bitterness or pettiness, but whatever you’re feeling sure does.

“Here’s Lebron leading the finals in every stat, but why won’t he play for the teammmmm? If only he would play for the teammmmm and stop throwing all those people under the bus, then he would have done more than be in the finals for the sixth straight year with two teams. And gosh, if something that didn’t happen had

Who else should he play it for?

Don’t stop at two witticisms, keep going.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces.

You have failed the whiteness test.

At least this reminded me to go listen to The Strokes

Sure. I already said I was whiter than you. I’m asking a question, that guy was wrong, you’re an asshole. Go play solitaire.

Spades is a trick-taking card game devised in the United States in the 1930s. It can be played as either a partnership or solo/”cutthroat” game. The object is to take at least the number of tricks (also known as “books”) that were bid before play of the hand began.”