
Yeah, that’s barely English.

Jim Schutze owns your tiny brain.

“Disinterested and uninterested have a tangled history. Uninterested originally meant impartial, but this sense fell into disuse during the 18th century. About the same time the original sense of disinterested also disappeared, with uninterested developing a new sense—the present meaning—to take its place. The

Please, stop.

Well, I wasn’t really calling him smart, so...

If you go strictly by the second definition, yes. If you can contextualize, not necessarily. You’re being too smart for your own good.

“I don’t like Papa Johns. It’s bad pizza.” I’m fine with saying that out loud, maybe even in my snap story.

I have a feeling you like Blazing Saddles for all the wrong reasons.

Are you stanning for Facebook?

I was getting my hair cut last Friday at Floyd’s on Lamar and the 45-year-old barber one chair over, who was covered in forearm tats and gaudy bracelets, sporting Chuck Taylors and a horrific goatee said out loud, to nobody in particular, “Man, the B-52's old stuff was just so much better.” It was peak Austin and

The people still clinging to Hinkie and The Process remind me of Tom Hanks after he loses Wilson in Cast Away. You were stuck on an island with a bloody volleyball, Philly fans. The big boat is coming, it’ll be better.

It’s literally the first thing I do every morning. Keeps the soul young.

You didn’t get it.

That’s AP style. So you’re not being a dick, you’re just wrong. I am being a dick.

Dude...you spelled ‘throw’ as ‘through.’ Drink some coffee and load up Indeed.com.

Chip Hale also doesn’t see why we need to celebrate birthdays every year like some bunch of pussies.

It was a pretty dick move, Tom.

Great, guy. You’re totally right, everything you’ve said is fact, and I’m merely the wall you’re throwing your facts off of. Can I go now?

Okay, sure, play “Super Hypotheticals” about a bunch of grown men’s psyches. Personally, I ascribe their inability to maximize their win potential more to the fact that Webber destroyed his knee the next season in the series with the Mavs, but maybe he was just super bummed about free throws against a different team