Burn After Reading

My first thought was “wait, didn’t this already happen?” and then I saw the related stories thumbnail about Steely Dan.

Gotta love Maine’s attitude that all celebrities are CRIMINALS.

I got it from Trailer Park Boys. Watch that show enough, and you start using Rickyisms like “worst case Ontario” left and right.

Lincoln appreciation GIF thread?

This makes me all kinds of happy. Tig is amazing. As someone who’s going through breast cancer treatment right now, she’s kind of become a particular beacon of survival (as well as general awesomeness) for me. Anytime I hear about something great happening for her, I feel like it’s happening to family.

Classic case of these old guys who thing parenting = knocking a woman up. This guy was old in his thinking, no matter what his choronological age.

So ugh.

He may have written it. And he would want to die as he lived: promoting Celine. It was his life’s work.

I think the point is that their love was so strong, her place atop the Love Leaderboard is forever secure, despite the fact that . . . his heart will go on.

Wouldn’t it stand to reason that Celine “will remain as the great love of his life”?

Your tipster is mistaken. It was written by George M. Cohan during WWI. I gather tipster is not a James Cagney fan and hasn’t seen “Yankee Doodle Dandy.” And that’s just un-American.

Or she will end up like this:

If those poor little girls ever escape the cult, they're going to need so much therapy.

Getting 5 mics in The Source for your album means soooooooooo much more.

I would like to know what Jim from The Office thinks about this issue.

If there are going to be diverse nominees, you have to have diverse material and actors being greenlit by studios and producers. The Oscars are just the sore throat and stuffy nose, the disease is something else.

THIS SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME. On my way to a blind date. Except the bird got caught in my windshield, I had to pull over because the whole entire windshield was cracked and I couldn’t see out of it (plus the seagull was SCREAMING). I tried to pull it out with my hands and tore its body in half, there was blood

Libertarianism always sounds really great after about 30 seconds and REALLY FUCKING BATSHIT after about 30 minutes.