Burn After Reading

For all intensive purposes it is a doggy dog world out there for grammarians. That’s why I like to have copy editors at my beckon call.

Quote on Quote is my new favorite “shit, why didn’t anyone tell me I’ve been saying that wrong my whole life.”

Don’t feel bad, Waka. At least 50 Republican congressmen are at or below your understanding of public finance.

Ok now hold on, you’re saying you don’t get jizzed on when you visit the er?

Women will complain about anything these days. It’s like, if you don’t want to have your face ejaculated on, don’t injure your shoulder...seems pretty simple to me.

That’s not nearly enough watches if you really want to be President.


And I have to tip my hat to Erika, who volleyed all of Bethenny’s digs with an icy sassiness that I attempt in my own life.

Way to condescend. Thumbs up!
Seriously, it’s not like this is a new way for women to feel. It’s come up at least fifty other times on Jezebel alone. The predominant user of ‘female’ as a noun to refer to human women is the Fedora M’lady Nice Guy learning to neg. So yeah, that gets under our skin after a while.

I don’t know, maybe some kind of noun that indicates my humanity? There’s this really common word that I know a lot of men are afraid to utter out loud, begins with a “w”.

Adding in some “females” to the industry itself would also do quite a bit for changing that dynamic.

“When you think about going to a party, when you don’t have any models, it’s going to be 90/10, or even greater, male-to-female,” he said. “Adding in some females changes the dynamic quite a bit.”

Did it occur to him that the female models might make the women feel exactly as awkward as the male models made the men feel? No. No it did not.

I remember teaching this during training at work, and so many of the men just got looks on their faces like "I've done that before."

“Freezing is a third fear response recognized in the field of psychology but, for some reason, missing from public discourse. Someone tries to put a hand on me; I’m uncomfortable, but I can’t move or speak. “No” is not clear.” http://ladyclever.com/culture/freezi…

Almost everyone I know uses EOS and I’ve never experienced or heard of bad reactions or mold. The reactions are probably just an allergy to an ingredient. That’s not really EOS’s fault. The mold thing is odd. I don’t understand how that would happen.

Christ, just suck on a stick of butter like a normal person.

how the butterfly headdresses worn by performance artists were inspired by Radiolab

I feel bad for the guy. He didn’t know his character was bantha doo doo when he signed up to play him.

Agree...but you all HAVE to read Mr. Poe's obit. Any guess as to the author?