Burn After Reading

So I'll edit this as I read further, but so far just for the first story.

in the US, it is free if you can't afford it. Do you know how much mothers in other countries would kill to have this available? I read a report about how we are immune to the effects of the eradicated diseases. Women in developing countries will walk 10 miles to get their children the vaccines because they've seen


As I've gotten older, I have become more outspoken about how ignorant climate deniers and anti vaxxers are that I *specifically* bring it up around people I think will be more likely to believe in that shit just so I can drop my truth bombs on them and watch them stutter their stupidity.

Good for you. I'm an acupuncturist and I've lost clients because I urged them to get adult boosters and the pneumococcal & meningitis vaccine after an outbreak at a local college.

It was truly strange, like talking to someone who refuses to believe that water is wet.

Thank you for doing that! We can't coddle these morons any longer when it's a matter of public health. It's selfish, ignorant bullshit to not vaccinate.

Good on you. These child-endangering willfully-ignorant dolts deserve all they shame they've brought on themselves.

True story:

"We should be getting measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, these are the rights of our children to get it,"

Dear Albert Burneko, I don't know who you are, but you have now written two of my favorite pieces in the history of ever (this and "The American Justice System is Not Broken"). I just want to thank you for existing.

I get tired of saving this over and over again but here goes. Smallpox: killed millions of people for hundreds of years. Where is it? Gone, worldwide, because we were forced to vaccinate. Measles were on their way out until now. I'm older than Wolfson, I remember getting measles and having school mates getting


Strangely, I have all of those things in my pantry right now.

Ok, I have regular raw cacao, and I don't have the other two fancy moon-pantry items, but I'm as those are chinese herbs and not hard to get for less money through a friend of mine who is a TCM herbalist (and very cautious about the origins of his herbs).

Yeah, whenever I wanna make Indian for lunch, I have to remember to clarify the butter at breakfast. And the only coconut oil I own right now is for rubbing on my heels.

I'm going to use this as a platform to say—is anyone else mildly bothered when someone (everyone?) calls them "peppercinis", completely dropping a syllable?


Thank you for ... clarifying ...