Burn After Reading

Aidy Bryant killed it in that sketch - I'm liking her more and more.

It probably has to do with men being unlikely to file an EEOC complaint. It's pretty well-documented that certain jobs do favor women, and men are pushed to do different, often more prestigious jobs (the "glass elevator"). But I'd imagine it's rare that a man gets pressured into management and decides to deal with

This is not a bad thing. Bars that hire exclusively female bartenders are likely not doing it because of their skills (although many of them definitely are highly skilled and great at what they do) - they're doing it because they want to add eye candy and please male patrons. A bro has a better night out if he can

No, you've got it all wrong. A lawsuit like this is GOOD for feminism. I'm sure this chain is guilty of what they have been accused of, as with other (Hooters, breastaurants of various sorts of variety). The more we limit women as being seen as attractive ornaments to draw in customers the better for ALL of us.

Gwyneth's love potion candy costs $108 before you add in the pantry ingredients (ghee, coconut oil, honey.) I can get a giant Hershey bar and get down with my hubby for a lot less.

I started the booty song movement

Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. I would love to hear the ombudsman's take on this fuckery.

Bullshit, dude. Chad Ford is a scumbag and has no excuse. This should be treated at least as harshly as plagiarism.

Imagine running into this in a dark alley.

On the flip side, I know which baker has quickly rocketed to the top of the list for gay couples in Denver looking for a wedding cake.

People want cake to reflect their values.

thing is she never refuses to BAKE the cake. She refused to decorate it I believe

Here's a link to the gofundme info to help support the baker's legal fund.

What the hell did bakers ever do to anyone to deserve being the leading edge of the culture wars?

Well, you have to concede that this dude not having the power to stop total strangers from getting married is a tremendous imposition upon his freedom.

Let's make this simple for the stupid people. If you operate a business in the public sphere thereby enjoying government protections, you may NOT refuse to serve customers because of their innate characteristics, such as their sex compared to somebody else's sex. That is SEX DISCRIMINATION. However, if somebody ask

You just can't find good, organic, free-range kids in most places though, with exception of those daycare-to-table places that are soo expensive.

Pizza. Who doesn't love it? Why wouldn't you? Oh, I don't know, maybe because IT IS KILLING CHILDREN, YOU HORRIBLE MONSTER.

Well, you're talking about two different things. The dead bodies were supers (and they might have actually just been dummies - I haven't seen this production up close in a while); volunteers who don't sing and are on a completely different payroll than the chorus, which comprises of a highly trained group of singers

I really want to know what 5 is :(.