Burn After Reading

Bingo. Glad we studied the same book of lame riddles when we were kids.

Because there was a hole in one.

I got knocked out by a sucker punch at a bar, I fell unconscious face first into the ground. When I woke up I was concussed and could not remember what happened. So I said I fell down after being robbed. It wasnt a lie it was what I told my friends because I was half dead. I stuck with that story until I realized

"It's such a shame that people are focusing on whether the story is true."

Absolutely zero snark from me on this story. This man's clearly a victim. Anyone who saw more than one Taken movie certainly didn't do so of their own volition.

Perhaps she was British. We all know how polite they are. "Sorry, it seems that my cervix has escaped my body. Bit of a bother but don't mind me. Honestly, it's nothing. I'm perfectly fine. Cuppa tea?"

I'm picturing a laser pointer for some reason.

I'm so sorry. Breakups are the worst. Obviously this is missing the appropriate gravitas, but it's all I have for you: cat hugs.

Ulysses was a much better read, and made more sense.

And meet up in a hotel for "some kisses"? Seriously? You can meet up in a park and do that shit for free.

I really hate to be that person, but the plural of sister-in-law is sisters-in-law, not sister-in-laws.

Now playing

which is wrong, because J.D. only loves Turk

So I totally thought that the wife and SIL were having a lesbian affair with each other and I kept waiting for that reveal as I read through this. Then I realized that they were each cheating with someone else, not together, and well...the story got infinitely more "normal" and boring. lol.

I'm with the "this is fake" crowd. There have been too many inconsistencies and unbelievable twists and turns.

This one, right? The narrative really starts to slip. I don't believe a word of this.

Debate him/bleed to death... artistic license, man!

Exactly. I see her on her side, smoking a pre/post/para?coital cigarette saying, calmly, "no, let's put everything back where it belongs." Ummm, no.

Don't constrain him with your rules, man. He's a free spirited stream of consciousness writer. He just has to do him.